Him again

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As I walked to the bar I immediately made eye contact with Bucky. He looked me up and down and then looked away. Natasha started speaking which drew my attention away from him.
"This is Wanda" she gestured to a girl with long brown hair.
"Hi, I'm y/n" I shook her hand
"Nice to meet you" she had a very nice accent
"Wanda has powers of her own y/n" Natasha shared
"You have powers too?" Wanda seem pleasantly surprised
"Ugh- yeah" I noticed Bucky staring "I read minds"
"She can turn it on and off like a switch" Sam spoke from behind me. "One second she's reading your mind and the next she isn't, hard to tell when your brain is safe."
I playfully pushed him
"I only read when I should, I don't want to invade anyone's privacy!"
"That is fascinating" Wanda said
I was also introduced to Vision, who was very nice . . . And confusing. I finally made my way to Bucky, who hadn't smiled once.
"Hey smiles" I looked right into his eyes
"Hi . . ."
"last time I saw you, you were trying to kill me"
He smirked
"You were the only one I didn't come close to killing"
"I'm not as easy to break as these guys" I smiled and looked at Sam "I'm y/n"
When he finally smiled I noticed how sweet and genuine is was. And his eyes were soft, not like the first time I met him.
"How's life as a fixed man?"
"It's ugh- good. I'm good"
"I'm glad, I wouldn't want to kick your ass again"
"Oh is that what happened?"
"Yes, if I remember correctly I was beating you until the fake S.H.I.E.L.D people came"
"I don't know about that, I probably went easy on you."
"Noooo" I grinned at him and put hair behind my ear.
He smiled at the ground
"I guess maybe you beat me. . . A little"
"Thank you smiles!"
"In fact, this is from you" he lifted his hair to show a small scar on his neck.
"That's from me?!"
"Wow, I must be one for first impressions"
He lightly laughed. Sam came over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"All good over here?" Sam asked
"Yeah, just getting to know everyone" I smiled at Bucky, causing him to grin back. Sam tightens his grip on me and lost his smile.
"We want some drinks?" He asked
Sam hovered over me the rest of the night, I was able to talk to Bucky and Wanda a bit more but not as much as I wanted. Bucky seemed shy but very nice. He was the type I would have to crack open to get to know and that was my plan. I wanted to get him out of his shell.
At the end of the night Sam walked me to my room with his arm around me. He was a bit tipsy.
"How was it?" He asked
"What my first day? It was good, I'm glad I decided to come"
"Me too! I missed you y/l/n!"
"I missed you too sammie, I have a question though"
"What's up?"
"What is vision?"
He giggled
"Is he a robot? Or a person?"
He laughed
"to be honest I have no clue!"
We both laughed and leaned on each other for support.When we finally made it to my room and I slowly opened the door.
"See you in the morning, Sammie"
I laughed at him and went inside.

I promise they will get better!!!! But thanks for reading!!!!❤️

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