Not the Time

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I threw on Bucky's sweatshirt and headed towards the living room. Bucky walked behind me, I could feel his tall body inches away. Sam strolled next to me. We made it to the room and everyone stood in a unorganized circle.
"What is it black sheep? I was falling asleep!" I said with little patience.
Loki thought he was getting in my head, he thought he had control of my emotions. I had no time for his BS.
"I was asked to keep this a secret, but it may become helpful in our future mission." He returned in a smooth voice, "it's very important you know."
Everyone's eyes got big
"Brother. . ." Thor spoke
"Loki, if this is what I think it is, it is not the time!" Steve said sternly
"What? Just spit it out Loki " I added
"Don't." Bucky said glaring at Loki causing me to return a concerned pissed off look.
"Smiles? You know something I don't?"
He stayed silent with an ashamed look on his face.
"You know what. I'm tired, I will deal with this mess in the morning! But I swear I will get the truth out of all of you! Even if I have to read every persons mind!" I stormed out and made it clear I didn't want to be followed.
I jumped in my huge comfy bed alone. It had been the first time in a while I had slept without Bucky next to me and it pissed me off. What could he- what could they all be keeping from me?! I stayed awake in anger for a while. If there is one thing in good at it's being angry, but I eventually fell asleep. In the morning I quickly got dressed and went straight to the kitchen where I suspected most of the team would be. Almost all of them were there chatting quietly.
"Sharing more secrets I can't know about?" I said grabbing a water.
"We were-" Steve started
"Save it, I want Loki and Thor in here now." I spoke bluntly
They began to walk in as I finished my sentence
"Our presents has been requested?" Loki said with a grin.
"Tell me the secret you have all been keeping!"
"I'm not sure if this is-"
"Now!" I said cutting Thor off
"Your a-" Loki started to speak
Everyone was shocked but I was determined.
"Fine. I'll make this easier." I spoke quietly
I felt myself start to read Loki's mind, the power surged through my brain. 3 simple words popped through.
'Your a Demi-God'
____________________________________Haven't posted in a while so I will post 2 chapters today! Thanks for reading!❤️

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