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Warning: some upsetting scenarios

We arrived at an old warehouse, it looked like the old factory I was kept in. I could feel my breathe start to get short as I got more nervous. We slowly scanned the perimeter, no guards on the outside, which meant the inside would be flooding with them.
"Sam and Bucky, I want you guys up on the second story window, your the eyes from above. I want a scan and report of bodies in the building," Nat spoke fluently and assertively.
"You got it," Sam said as he winked at me.
"Y/n, stay at the front wait for my go." Nat said as we started moving.
Sam and Bucky got set up above, I could see Bucky get prepared with his sniper, I have to admit it was kinda hot.
"We got 20, maybe 30 armed men, first floor." Sam reported.
"I can get 5 undetected, the rest would be alerted" Bucky followed.
"Start on the 5," Nat spoke through the intercom, "after that Me and y/n are going in"
I nodded at her
My mind started going into game mode, the nerves calmed down a bit and I was focused.
"One down," Bucky said as he reloads "2. . . 3 . . 4 . . . 5 down"
"Y/n, Nat, your a go"
We busted through the door. Immediately two men charged at me. With a few quick dodges and kicks they were on the ground. More came at me, I looked over at Nat who was shocking someone with her tasers. I punched a dude in the face, while the other one tried to grab me.
"Behind you" Nat yelled
I ducked and the guy in front of me knocked out the one behind me.
"Thanks" I said taking a deep breath.
More and more came to come out of nowhere. I was able to get most of them down without a problem, mind reading made it easy like that. One dude grabbed me from behind and put a gun to my head. Before I could react he collapsed on the ground. I looked up at Bucky who had sniped him. He winked at me. I pushed on and went ahead of the group, taking people down one by one. I found myself in a hallway full of unconscious bodies, the men I had taken down. As I stood there I heard what sounded like a child screaming. My heart started to race and I knew I had to help whoever was in pain. I couldn't let somebody go through what had scarred me so much.
"Nat, I'm going ahead, I hear something" I reported through the intercom
"No y/n stay w-" I turned off the intercom, nothing was going to stop me from helping someone in need. I know how much I wished to be saved when I was with Borris.
I followed the noise and it lead me to a dark room. As I enter the room I realized that the voice sounded familiar.
"Hello?" I said with my gun out "I'm here to help"
"Trust me, your helping quite a bit!" I knew that voice right away.
The doors slammed shut and someone grabbed me from behind me. I quickly flipped them over my back and punched them in the face.
"Always so feisty, 024" Borris spoke as he stepped in the light. He called me by my number, the number that was my name until I escaped that horrible place.
"Y/n. And yes I am feisty. So just wait till I get my hands on you." Rage flew through my veins.
"Do you hear that 024?" He lifted his hand to his ear "that scream that you followed, sound familiar?"
He pointed to a screen, it was his science log he had taken back when I was a kid. The video was me, strapped to the chair, screaming for help. Tears immediately went to my eyes, it was like being brought back.
"Look how scared, how hurt you were," he grinned "must be hard to shake a feeling like that."
"How'd you know?" I said sternly
"Know what?"
"That I'd come?"
"You were never one to stray from a challenge. Every chance you got to fight you took," he pointed to his eye that I had taken out "so when we found out that the little avengers were coming, I knew my masterpiece would want revenge."
"I'm not your masterpiece!" I clenched my fist
"That's where your wrong! You are! All that pain and fear I put you through, made that brain. That brain that could take down governments if it wanted to."
"If I can take down governments what's stopping me from taking you down right now?!" The sadness had been drowned out by anger.
"Well I suppose nothing. . . Yet."
"What do you mean yet?"
"This whole place is wired, you take a step towards me and all your friends go down with the building."
"Yes my dear, explosives."
"So what do you want?"
"I want my prize accomplishment back. . . You!"
____________________________________I won't be mean, I'll post the next part right away! Thanks for reading!❤️

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