Chewing gum

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I quickly ran to the sight of the scream hoping everyone was ok. As I rushed towards the noise the scream turned into loud speaking. I made it to the source of the sounds, it was Bucky's room. I pushed the door to see a sweaty shirtless Bucky shaking in his bed. I knew right away he was having a nightmare. I grabbed his arms to stop the shaking.
"Smiles! Smiles!"
His eyes shot open and he gasped for air.
"It's ok Bucky I'm here, breath"
He sat up and grabbed his head
"I'm. . . Im so sorry to wake you,"
"Don't apologize! Just relax," I sat next to him, "breath"
He took a few deep breaths
"Nightmare?" I spoke quietly
"I'll be right back"
I quickly ran to my room and grabbed my pack of gum
"Cinnamon Gum?" He seemed very confused
"My favorite flavor, Chew it, it helps distract you brain a little," I unwrapped a piece "while you chew focus on the flavor and you'll get your mind off the nightmare"
"It also helps if you count backwards from 100, or try to find as many red objects in the room you can."
". . . How do you know so much about nightmares?"
I took a deep breath and put hair behind my ear
"Because I still get them, they have gotten better but. . ." I looked him in the eyes "they haven't told you about me have they?"
"All Steve told me was that your a strong fighter, and that you could help the team."
I shifted next to him to get comfortable.
"I . . . Came from Hydra too"
He looked at me stunned, his gray blue eyes grew wide.
"I was an orphan. . ."
"You don't have to, I know it's hard"
I smiled at him
"It's ok. . . When I was in the orphanage some bad men decided to take me. They brought me to an old building filled with sketchy people. I was placed with other children, some younger some older. We were told we were the future, that we would be strong and powerful and when we succeed we would be loved. They taught us to fight and started testing on us. They thought shaping young minds were easier than old ones. So they put us through some shit." I started to tear up and he grabbed my hand, " I was . . . The only kid to survive, and the tests were successful. That's how I got my ability I read minds, and once I realized what I could do, I ran, far away from them. My powers made it easy to stay away from them. I got a job, moved to DC, lived normal for a bit, then I met Steve, Sam, and Natasha. Once they told me about hydra being S.H.I.E.L.D I wanted to help, get my revenge for all the shit they put me through. It felt good."
He stared deep into my eyes
"That's. . . Your incredible"
"Thank you, overcoming something like that makes you strong. You of all people should understand that."
"I'm not strong, just trying-"
"Are you kidding me? you have overcome so much!" I squeezed his hand "your very strong"
He sweetly smiled
"Thank you"
We spent the whole night talking, bonding. He told me things I could tell he hasn't shared with the others. Having someone who could relate was nice. I dozed off next to him as we spoke. 
____________________________________Bucky and y/n getting comfortable 😉 thanks for reading❤️

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