Light Back On

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Pietro looked disappointed as Wanda rejected his hug.
"I know it's confusing, but it me." He said with a sad expression drawn on his face.
Wanda looked at me, I knew it was her signal, she wanted me to read his mind. When I looked in I saw memories. Memories of him and Wanda as children, memories of the experiments, memories of his final moments alive.
"I can see his life, all of it, even his death." I said cautiously.
She looked taken back.
"Pietro,if it's you, how did you get here?" She spoke in a broken tone.
"I don't really know. I remember being shot, falling to the ground, I remember the lights going out but . . . They were turned back on, Im alive and no- no bullet wounds."
Wanda carefully lifted his shirt to reveal his flawless skin.
"I don't understand." She said
I looked at Bucky who had no expression on his face. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Cap walked up to us slowly as he realized who was at the door.
"What-" he started
"We don't know." I answered
Part of me didn't want to trust him, someone who is posing as Wandas dead brother could be a major threat, but the other half of me saw what was in his head, felt some of it too, I wanted to trust him.
"Do we let him in? Let him talk?" I asked
"No." Bucky responded quickly
"Yes, we do. But stay alert." Cap answered
We all cautiously walked to the conference room, taking seats one by one. Wandas face was like stone, not showing any feeling.
"If you are my Pietro tell me something only you would know." She said bluntly
"Ok . . . I am 2 minutes older, and I always remind you because it makes me feel smarter. We used to watch old American TV shows with mama and papa" he began to giggle "and in Sokovia we got a fish for Halloween and it made you sick"
Wanda smirked a little and then went back to no emotion. She was conflicted and rightfully so.
"I can't bring myself to trust you yet." She said looking down as she spoke.
"Why not?" Pietro returned
"Because she can't go through losing you again." I stated "she lets her guard down she becomes vulnerable."
Pietro looked at me intensely. I looked at Bucky and then Cap who both looked equally confused and then I looked at Wanda, and I could tell she was emotionally drained.
"I want to go to bed." She said as she got up fairly quickly "I can't be in this room right now."
"Wanda we need to get to the bott-" Cap started to speak but she walked out before he could finish.
"Now what?" Bucky asked
Cap thought for a moment.
"Now we get some sleep," he looked at Pietro "you will stay in a room with cameras, you'll be locked in, don't try anything."
"This is not the place to feel brave, we have people in this building who would love to kick your ass, me being one of them." I spoke as I stood up.
My comment caused him to smirk.
"You think she's kidding?" Bucky started "she could break both your legs before you could think of your next move."
Pietro's face dropped and we walked out.
____________________________________Thanks for reading!❤️

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