chapter five

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A/N: I have a confession. I have no idea how to play Lacrosse or how it works, so any lacrosse players, feel free to leave some criticism cause I might have more lacrosse chapters.

The weekend had gone by faster than Max had thought. By Sunday, she was discharged from the hospital and finally got to go home. Although, now Maggie was going to be a lot stricter on her. Max had no choice but to tell her that she had gone to a party and had overdosed on drugs, which explains why she ended up in the hospital. Thankfully, Melissa helped her with her cover story, making it more believable. Boy, did she get hell for it. Max had spent the entity of her Sunday watching Maggie do a room search, which resulted in her finding absolutely nothing.

The surprising thing was that she wasn't actually all that mad at Max. She was actually kind of glad. Glad, that Max had found a coping mechanism and was finding a way to express her emotions and relieve her pain. Furious, that it was drugs, even though Max wasn't really on drugs. After having to listen to Maggie give her another long talk about why drugs and underage sex is bad, Max swore to beat the shit out of Jared.

Once again. His name was actually Garrett.

Max was dreading the day at school, more so than most days. She totally blew off Jane, who was gonna give her shit for it at school. She had no idea where she stood with the pack and whether she was meant to interact with them or not. And the fact that tonight was her first lacrosse game and she was totally fucking screwed.

Nevertheless, she flipped herself in the mirror to give herself a good start to the day. She threw on a plain sand-coloured shirt and a pair of baggy mom jeans. Along with that, she decided to accessorize with a dark blue flannel along with a pair of sneakers. As she began walking out of the bathroom, she decided to do something with her hair for once. She tied half of it up and left the other half to rest on her shoulders and headed out. As she awkwardly walked downstairs, her heart was pounding inhumanly fast. She wondered if Maggie was still mad at her.

"Awe there's my favourite crackhead this morning," Maggie boasted with a fake smile as soon as Max stepped into the kitchen. Yep, she was still pretty fucking angry.


The school day had gone by pretty fast and it wasn't too bad. Except for when Mr. Yukimura called on her and her social anxiety kicked in. She just sat there and stared at him until he moved on. Also that Jane hadn't spoken to her all day. Max didn't blame her, after all Max had completely blew her off and then didn't respond to any of her texts the whole weekend. In fact, 'this is probably better for Jane, she deserves better friends than me anyways'  Max thought to herself.

She hadn't run into anyone from the pack all day strangely, although Kira had waved to her in the halls during break. Kira had unofficially become Max's favourite within the pack so far. As she squished through the crowds, she slowly unpacked her textbooks into her locker when she heard a buzz from her phone.

*Five new messages*

Maggie: Knock knock

Maggie: who's there?

Maggie: Mickey

Maggie: Mickey who?

Maggie: Mickey Mouse and Max's great big crackhouse!

Max's mouth dropped open as she read the last sentence and rolled her eyes. This was something Maggie was obviously never gonna let go. She supposed she could have told her about the supernatural, but she was the last person left in Max's life and she wasn't planning on losing her too.

Max: Haha. Real funny.

Maggie: C'mon. it was pretty funny. Anyways, just wanted to say good luck with your lacrosse game. I'll be home late so leftovers are in the fridge.

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