chapter twenty-two

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A/N: this is a really poorly written chapter and it's hella short cause it's been a really busy these last few days and I'm exhausted BUT I promised to update every other day so yuh.


After she had somewhat managed to 'recover' from what she saw, the three of them and Malia rushed through the hallways wanting to avoid any suspicion from earlier events.

Surprisingly, the school board nor did the police suspect it was Max's doing or any of the student's in fact. But the police and dean were still quite confused as to how it occurred.

Max, on the other hand, wasn't entirely sure how to feel right now. Her whole life she had been told her father died in a car accident but now she knew that it was in fact the woman who had raised her. She refused to call the woman who had tried to murder her and successfully killed her entire family, her mother. 

What kind of mother would do that to her child?

She tried to push it to the back of her mind, wanting to forgot about it all together. She took Scott's leadership as an example.

 Clearly he had also seen something traumatizing that he wasn't really able to talk about, but yet he kept going. He kept fighting for his pack and that's exactly what Max wanted to do.

"Where's Kira?" Scott asked.

"She's still at the library. Stiles and Lydia are at the hospital."

"Doing what?"

"Lydia's trying to figure out what happened to her."

"How did you know where I was?" Max asked Theo, while Malia and Scott talked.

"Well, there's only about one of us who could pull a stunt like that." he joked, referring to the classroom incident. "But Stiles called us and Coach came running."

Max's mouth dropped as she vaguely recalled seeing Coach.

"Oh shit- how much do you think he saw?" she asked, trying to contain her laughter.

"Ah well, he was out of breath and I'm pretty sure I smelled pee." Theo recalled, slightly shuttering at the thought.

This time both of them laughed but as soon as Max saw his face, she contained herself as her suspicions came back.

"Oh c'mon. Just because you don't trust me, it doesn't mean you can't laugh." he reasoned with a small smile.

"How come Stiles didn't come?"

"Did you want him to?"

"Answer the question."

"Trust me, he wanted to but i told him not to since we'd probably have better chances of survival if you were still lashing."

Max simply nodded as the four exited the school and headed towards the hospital.


"You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia. I'm gonna find my mom." Scott said as the three rushed off in their opposite ways.

Malia went with Scott whilst Max got stuck with Theo as the two headed towards the roof.

"What do you reckon Lydia and Stiles are doing right now?" Theo asked as they rushed through the crowded halls.

"I don't know, probably some banshee voodoo shit."

"I know but are you sure that's all they're doing?" Theo asked again, clearly trying to get under her skin.

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