chapter thirteen

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A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner but I'm currently having writers block. PLEASE- I HAD TO LISTEN TO 'WORK BITCH' BY BRITNEY SPEARS FOR THREE HOURS STRAIGHT, AND EAT HALF A BAG OF FROSTED FLAKES TO COME UP WITH THIS BAHAHA. Anyways, sorry if it sucks but please go with it and feel free to also listen to miss spears while reading. <3


Max fluttered her eyes open to the abnormally bright sun. Fine specks of sands blew in her direction with the breeze, as she had to shield her eyes. She cautiously looked around, it wasn't her first time here. The last few nights this had been a reoccurring dream.

It was basically the middle of nowhere and it's not like she had been here consciously before. Over the hill, there were a ton of worn out buildings or at least they looked like so. Max couldn't really tell but they looked like they were about to come crashing down at any second.

In the centre stood a large castle-like structure. Not knowing what else to do, Max walked towards it. The little town was completely abandoned, no sounds aside from the heavy wind.

As she approached the door, she could see a pile of debris surrounded it and she hesitantly moved in, to lift it out of the way. She hadn't gotten this far in her dreams before, around here she'd wake up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

Her ears perked up and the unfamiliar voice and she slowly turned around. In front of her was a tall, pale man. He had short sand-coloured hair and his eyes glowed bright blue as he was in his werewolf form.

"Who are you?"

"That's none of your concern, sweetheart," he spoke calmly, "But I think it's time for you to go. You're interrupting my plans,"

"What do you mean?"

Suddenly Max hunched over, gripping at her stomach and falling onto all fours on the wet grass.

"What the fuck!?" she groaned as the impact of a lacrosse ball was a lot more painful that she would have thought.

"Holmes! Quit standing around!" Coach scolded, "Get into position!"

Max panted through parted lips, trying to understand what she just saw and who the man was. She stood back up, still holding her stomach because believe or not, lacrosse balls hurt like a bitch. She didn't remember getting to school or showing up to practice but now she was staring at a group of boys who were staring at her with a confused expression. 

"Well get on with it or I'll make you run laps!" Coach screamed as he blew his whistle. Max rolled her eyes and she grabbed her lacrosse stick, which was laying a feet feet away from her. She jogged to the front of the line.

"Is this another Mage thing?" Liam asked Stiles who stood next to him. He had just spent the last three minutes watching Max talk silently to the air.

"I don't know but keep an eye on her," Stiles muttered as he lined up towards the back, his eyes never leaving the back of Max's head.

She scooped up another ball mindlessly before swinging it hard into the net...except she missed. 

By about 6 feet.

She stared as the ball rolled further and further away with an astonished expression, unable to move from her current standing position.

"D-did she just miss?" Liam asked Stiles with an equally shocked expression.

"See now, this is the part where you walk to the back of the line," Finn smirked, speaking to her as you would to a young child. 

Max ignored him as she scooped another ball and tried again. 

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