A/N- mini survey :)

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Sorry guys, not an update! But I was re-reading my work and um I realized a lot of it doesn't exactly line up, so um I guess I'm clarifying it? idk man, it made more sense in my head but I left out some details and I guess i'll uh just say it here... 🧍‍♀️

- first off, I realized Lydia has barely been in this...probably in like one chapter... my bad. But don't worry, she'll be in the second part quite a bit, considering she plays a big role in season 5.

- Secondly, I wanted to clarify Max's powers and such in case you're confused. Okay, so you all probably know Wanda from Marvel, right? That's basically how her's work but obviously considering she's a minor and hasn't fully developed use of them, she gets tired out and can't use them as frequently. Also she cannot sense when something bad in going to happen, that was just a coincidence and yes, she can see dead people and I will go more into that in following chapters so yuh :)

- thirdly, I keep forgetting this is a stiles fanfic and I gotta make em like each other. Okay, I'm literally the queen of broken hearts so I suck ass at romance stuff so if y'all have any suggestions, pleaseee let me know.

- oh also Malia and Stiles were a thing but after what happened in the Hale's Vault, they broke up for good.


Okay now I kinda have a mini survey for y'all so if you could just comment your opinions, it would be much appreciated :)

1) after I complete the season 4 portion, do you guys want some mini parts of things that happened over the summer before the dread doctors stuff? Like that time Liam ran down the street naked during a full moon and just some short fun chapters of Max's summer with the pack?

2) Is there another relationship you'd like to see be developed? Like I personally like Max's friendship with Malia and Kira so do you want more parts of them bonding and blah blah blah. like do y'all want more Max and Liam? Max and Stiles? Max and...Theo? :0

3) Y'all want me to kill off a character for the fun of it? :D like is there anyone y'all just HATE and want me to kill lol. If any of y'all say Kira...I will throw hands. No Kira slander here pls.

4) do you guys want to see some chapters from Max's pov?

5) just any suggestions or questions y'all have :)

p.s- I'm almost finished the next chapter, I'm just trying to figure out where to cut it off and need to edit it so I'll prob post tonight? In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my dog.


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