chapter ten

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(A/N: Okay. don't kill me but- y'all should listen to s&m by Rihanna in this chapter. BAHA BYE)

As soon as the two had walked onto the grounds, they were hit by the stench of sweat and alcohol. The music pounded so loudly that the floor vibrated under Max's feet. Her and Malia walked over to the loud crowd of teenagers as Malia yanked her in.

The two had spent a good two hours getting ready for tonight's event. A good hour of it was spent on attempted eyeliner in which they both gave up on. Max wore her usual flannel over a shirt and swapped out her baggy jeans for a pair of shorts. 

"C'mon, let's dance!"

"Yeah I'll pass. Grinding against random people isn't really my scene" Max shouted over the music.

"Buzzkill!" Malia replied as she made her way further into the crowd. Max didn't complain as she headed over to where Liam and Mason sat. 

"Hey" Mason greeted. Last he had seen her was at Lydia's cabin.

Liam didn't say anything, instead he held out his bottle of coke in which Max eyed it, sceptically. But didn't deny it as she took a sip of the burning beverage.

"Holy shit, that's strong," she coughed as she passed back to him but he denied it.

"Keep it. I'm gonna get some more" Liam muttered as he stood up and walked away.

"What's up with him?" Max asked Mason as she took a seat beside him.

"Could have asked you the same," he sighed. The two sat in an awkward silence for a while before Liam came back with larger bottle filled to the top with alcohol and began consuming it immediately.

"Liam!" Max scolded as she reached over to take the bottle away from him but he reacted a lot faster than her. She roughly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the side, where Mason wouldn't be able to overhear and smacked Liam roughly on the back of the head.

"If you think I'm letting you drink all of that, you're crazy. Give it to me now."

"Aren't you pissed?" Liam yelled, " Look at us! We can't even go to a party like normal fucking teenagers. Instead, we have to be on the lookout for someone who might try to kill us. If it wasn't for Scott, we wouldn't be here."

Max looked at him with a sad expression but didn't respond. Instead, she grabbed the bottle from her hand and chugged it down until it was almost half way down. 

"Fuck it" she smirked, as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as Liam returned the look. Stiles already thought she was irresponsible so what better than moving his point. 

She made her way over to the large crowd, and her eyes glazed around until they settled on a tall, brunette. She walked over and grabbed him by the front of the shirt, pulling him into the crowd. She was pretty sure he was on the team but didn't ever bother to learn his name.

She turned to face him, raising her brows. He laughed as he ran his fingers through his curly hair. Max hadn't noticed how cute he really was until about now. His eyes were a bright blue and he had noticeable dimples when he smiles. Then it hit her. Finn.

"Aren't you Stilinski's girl?" Finn asked, over the pounding music.

"I'm nobody's bitch" she scoffed in which he chuckled as he brought his hands around her waist, pulling her in closer.

"Yes ma'am" he whispered in her ear, sending goosebumps down her spine. For a while, everything was zoned out. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the heat but all Max knew was that it felt good

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