chapter thirty-two

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"C'mon!" Scott yelled as he pushed Max in front of him, encouraging her to keep running.

"Keep going!"

Blood draped down half of the alpha's face, a mixture of his and the beast's.

Max was stilling recovering after her fight with Kira, barely keeping her energy as Kira was helping students escape whilst the two distracted it.

They rushed into the library, and slammed into one of the lined desks, finally catching their breath.

Faint sounds of the beast's roars could be heard from down the hallway as the two shot each other exasperated looks before preparing yet another encounter with the creature.

"Scott..." Max whispered.

"What?" he asked but soon enough noticed a large number of students hiding within the library.


The two realized they may have led the beast to yet another massacre and would have to expose their abilities in front of the students.

"Go upstairs." Scott hushed and at an instant, dozens of students rushed out of their hiding spots and scrambled up the stairs.

"Look, I can hold it off for 3 minutes tops and you can use that time to get everyone out using the back doors." Max reasoned but Scott shook his head.

"No, that's a suicide mission. You've seen how big this thing is."

"Yeah, and you've seen how many kids are in here. Better me then the-"

"-My final answer is no. We'll figure something else out."

Just as he finished his sentence the door burst open and the large beast roared in which Scott flared his alpha eyes back.

"We're all gonna fucking die..." Max muttered under her breath before flashing her eyes as well.

Scott clawed at the creature before getting thrown back less than a second later. Before his body impacted the floor, Max had already shot her hand at him softening the blow so he technically only fell from about 3 inches up.

She turned around, facing the beast once more as two of the desks on either sides of her began raising. She held them up from one more second with shaky hands before jerking her hands forward, hitting the large creature.

As the beast was distracted from a brief moment, Scott jumped over another set of desks and flew into the air, striking his claws across its face. Which seemed to have made an impact for about a second but the creature recovered quickly as it roughly grabbed him and flung him across the room.

"Hey, maybe think about reconsidering my plan?" she mocked as she began pulling books over the shelf with her hands and start throwing them one after another at the beast's face which only provoked it further.

"It's still a no!" Scott groaned as he pealed himself off the floor and ran after it again.

"Hey, I have an idea! What if we just flung the kids at it?" Max laughed as all the students and Scott gaped at her with wide eyes and mouths.

"Sorry, bad joke." she muttered as she jerked her hand forward directly at the beast, stopping it from walking any closer. She jerked her left hand forward as well as she began directing all her energy into pushing it backwards, outside of the library.

It managed to stumble back a couple of steps before growling furiously and began pushing against Max's power.

She struggled trying to keep her endurance up but it was far stronger than her as it stormed up to her and struck her hard against the chest, sending her flying backwards into a shelf.

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