chapter twenty-one

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(p.s: it's a longer chapter than usual. enjoy :) and thank you so so much for 4k reads <3)

"Chimeras?" Sheriff asked as he used a red sharpie to cross out Tracy's face.

Max paced around the small office, anxiously chewing on her thumb nail which had become painfully short. Last time she had been here, she was bleeding out right on the very floor she now stood upon.

"Two dead chimeras" Stiles corrected as he was practically doing the same as Max.

"-and eight new ones." she added.

"So ten in total."

"I'm thinking maybe eleven..." Noah said as he placed a picture of Donovan up on the board. Stiles dropped his eyes to the floor as his heart beat picked up a pace, something Max had noticed.

"Our station tech guys confirmed something for me... They said both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic. You said that, uh, these guys-"

"-dread doctors-" Max interrupted, awkwardly.

"Are we really calling them that?" Noah exasperated, "I'm thinking they broke Donovan out...He's a chimera"

"Yeah but if he's a failure like Lucas and Tracy then he's probably dead." Max stated.

"Not until I've seen a body."

"There's way we could tell for sure..." Max added hesitantly but it seemed to capture Noah attention as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Oh right. uh well...I can see dead people and if you give me something of his, I could try to contact him. If I can't then I guess we have to assume he's still alive."

He seemed to take this into consideration but his thoughts were more consumed with his hyperactive son who was far more distant than ever, 

"You're uncharacteristically quiet..."

Stiles tensed as the spotlight was on him and he turned to face the two, "Yeah... Sorry, I'm, uh... I'm just trying to think about it. Uh... These are all teenagers, right? So, now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers? If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that-- burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail..."

"They couldn't have been chosen at random."

"They had to have something in common."

"Something that made them right for this experiment."

"Something that made them special." Stiles realized.


"My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia muttered as the pack circled the small table with copies of the dread doctors.

According to Valack, all of them had to read the books. The question was wether to trust him or not and if the memories were worth retrieving.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations..." Stiles remarked.

"That's why Malia's here" Scott quipped glancing at Malia.

"So none of us go running into traffic?"

"Or worse..."

"Like what happened to Judy" Malia wondered outloud, "Chapter 14."

"Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone" Lydia retorted as she picked up a set and examined the cover.

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