chapter thirty-three

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Max walked around anxiously, biting her thumbnail whilst waiting for Kira to come back into the hall after setting Scott down in his room.

She still wasn't sure what had happened to her when Scott found them in the classroom but apart of her felt the need to apologize to her dear friend.

Less than two minutes later, Max's very thin patience ran out and she walked into Scott's bedroom just as the two were about to kiss.

"Oh sorry- I'll just um...walk out or uh die now. Okay BYE." she rambled nervously as she quickly moved to shut the door but hadn't stepped out of the door way so ultimately needed up shutting the door on her own head.

"Wait. I need to talk to you." Scott called out as Kira said the last of her goodbyes and walked out, giving Max a small smile.

"What's up...?" she asked awkwardly, as she moved back and forth on her feet.

"...I'm sorry." Scott apologized with a glum expression, "I'm sorry I didn't trust you and I'm sorry for being such a bad friend."

"Scott, no...You don't have apologize." Max waved off.

"No but I owe you an apology. I was a complete asshole and you were right this whole time." he lamented, "Just... as your pack leader and friend, it worries me when I don't know what's going on with you."

Max sighed as she moved over and took a seat next to him and thought of what to say next.

"I was mad when you yelled at me and looked into my memories without my permission...but now that I'm looking back, I'm not." she admitted, "You're a good leader, Scott. Probably the best and you're a really good friend too... Maybe Theo did manipulate you but you did what you had to. You were looking out for the rest of your friends too."

"Yeah but you're my friend too. You're part of my pack whether you like it or not."

"And I know that with everything going on, our whole lives have been turned upside down and I know you might hate me for this but I do tend to keep a tab on your emotional state every now and then. So I always knew when you were having a rough time and tried to take it easy on you."

"Okay well that explains why you'd always buy me a churro on days I felt like shit." Max laughed.

"...You don't like churros, do you?"

"No, I just didn't wanna break your heart." she confessed as she buried her smile into her hands.

They fell into a comfortable silence for a brief moment before Max began standing up, excusing herself.

"Get some rest. I'm gonna help the others find Mason."

"Shouldn't you get some rest too?" he suggested, gesturing to her wound.

"I can rest when I'm dead." she shrugged as she left his room and stepped into the hallway just to see Stiles fumbled with a small firearm and tossed it to the floor.

"Hey, how come he gets a gun and I don't?" Max complained as Malia and Braeden made an exasperated look.

"He doesn't...and you don't need one." Malia said to Max who still grunted under her breath.

"Wha- hey! Then how am I supposed to protect myself?" Stiles protested.

"That thing won't do shit on the beast, buddy."

"Not the beast, the desert wolf." Braeden corrected.

"The what?" Max asked with a strange expression.

"Desert wolf?...Malia's mom? She's trying to kill me." he grunted with a pout.

"Also known as the she-devil." Malia spat.

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