chapter twelve

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Max awkwardly trailed behind Derek and Braeden. It seemed as if they were in an abandoned building, well except for the voices the echoed throughout. Familiar voices.

As Derek stepped to the side, Max was able to see the source to the voices. Dozens of people were crowded around, chattering amongst themselves quietly. Majority of them looked like worn out, which she could only assume was from the assassins.

Her eyes travelled to Brett who seemed to have been happy to see her. He sent her a small smile in which she returned, despite barely knowing the boy. Her smile fell as soon as she realized who he was talking to.

'Please don't be mad at me. Please don't be mad.'

Scott stormed up to her and she tensed up, not knowing what to do. Her eyes went wide as Scott wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. She side-eyed Derek, who was smiling at her, before awkwardly returning the hug. As he pulled away, she noticed he had big grin on his face.

Scott and Max had a rather awkward relationship. They weren't all that close but there was no denying they cared for each other. Simply, good friends.

"I'm sorry for running away,"

"And I'm sorry for being apart of the reason you did,"

Max opened her mouth to say something else being embraced once more by a shorter figure. She didn't need to guess who it was, the vanilla fragrance was a giveaway. Max laughed as she hugged Kira back.

"I'm happy you're alive,"

"For once, me too"


'You're telling me that over the course of the last week, you have nearly been killed 5 times, on some sort of hit list, and you're wizard?"

"Uh mage, actually," Max corrected her aunt, "And uh technically it was 6 murder...attempts, if you count the benefactor throwing axe thing"

"I might have to send myself to Eichen House," Maggie exclaimed, running her hands throw her hands.

"No. No. Maggie, we already went over this. We don't like Eichen House. They're...the bad guys"

"Are you sure you're not on drugs? Because you realize how insane this all sounds"

"If you don't believe me, go ask Melissa"

"Which Melissa?"

"We only know one Melissa!" Max groaned into her arms, "I have to go"

Max got up from her seat and hobbled up the stairs, her left leg had fallen asleep. She ran up to her room to change, considering that Derek was waiting outside. She threw off her clothes and chucked them into a corner. As much as she craved a shower right about now, she would have to settle for a spritz of body mist. She put on a pair of khaki pants along with a maroon hoodie and ran back down.

"You- You are not going anywhere." Maggie ordered, standing in front of the door. Max stopped at the end of the stairs and stared at her crazed aunt with a blank face before her eyes trailed to the rug, Maggie stood upon. She raised two fingers and slowly bent her wrist, as Maggie and the rug shifted out of the way.

"H-how did you do that?"

"I already told you" Max sighed as she opened the front door, running down the front steps.

"Where are you going?" Maggie yelled as she stood in the doorframe.

"Hogwarts apparently!"

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