chapter twenty-nine

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Scott and Stiles felt a pang of hope in their guts once they had successfully gained Kira back from the skin walkers and earned Malia's trust once more.

Scott had even begun to warm up to Liam again, which didn't taken long considering he was his beta.

Now they only needed to find Max and retrieve Lydia from Eichen.

Little did they know that they'd find both of them in the same place.

"Hey, you sure you don't want to come with me?" Stiles asked as he pulled up onto Max's driveway.

"Nah, if she's here she probably doesn't want to see me." Scott sighed with a heavy heart.

"Well just come anyways, maybe wait by the door."

The two got out of the jeep and headed towards the old house, unsure of what the outcome would be.

"do you want to...?" Stiles awkwardly asked gesturing towards the door.

"Oh my god," Scott groaned as he loudly knocked the door, considering Stiles was too scared to do himself.

Maggie wasn't exactly too surprised to see the two boys but she wasn't quite happy either.

"Hello Scott. Stiles." she addressed, looking at the two, "What can I do for you?"

"Yeah uh, is Max here?" Stiles asked, trying to peek into the house but getting pulled back by Scott.

"No. She's not." Maggie deadpanned.

"Okay... Well, do you know where she is?"

"She's left Beacon Hills to stay with some friends. I guess she needed a break."

Scott's werewolf hearing picked up the lie on this and he glanced over at Stiles with a nod.

"Ha, well she doesn't have anything other friends aside from us." Stiles mocked as he pushed his way into the house.

Scott awkwardly followed suite, trying his hardest to remain respectful to one of his mom's friends.

"You can't just barge into my house like that. She's not here, so get out before I call the cops" Maggie exclaimed with furious eyes.

"Yeah? Well my dad's a cop, so try me." Stiles retorted with a brief grin as he ran up the stairs, leaving his best friend and Maggie alone.

"hm, it's a pretty nice day out, isn't it?" the alpha asked with a smile in which Maggie turned to glare at him before setting off after Stiles.

"Max!" Stiles called as he barged into her room, accidentally kicking her tabby cat as he walked in.

"Shut up, Cheeto." Stiles snapped at the grumpy cat who hissed at him before running out.

He stormed over to her closet and began searching for one thing in particular just as Maggie walked in, followed by Scott.

"I told you, she's not here."

"Yeah? But you know where she is."

"I told you, she left. Ever consider that maybe you and your stupid friends drove her away?" Maggie questioned, crossing her arms and causing Scott to doubt himself.

"Nice try." Stiles said as he finally turned around facing the two and held up Max's lacrosse shirt, "If she had gone anywhere, she wouldn't have left this behind"

Maggie knew he was right but she chose to stay silent as the solemn look on her face remained but her eyes trailed to the floor.

"Maggie, please." Scott pleaded, "We just want to make sure she's okay."

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