chapter twenty-eight

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A/N: i have a funny story for y'all. okay so i kinda forgot to eat like all day- don't ask how- i just did. and i told my coach because i felt hella dizzy but that stupid bitch didn't give two shits and still made me train and then... i got hit in the head with my ball and blacked out 🧍‍♀️


"Max, get your ass down here right now!"

The brunette girl groaned after having to hear some form of that sentence over and and over again within the last hour.

Reluctantly, she groaned as she dragged herself out of her comfy bed and stumbled down the stairs.

"What?" she mumbled hazily as she plopped onto the couch.

"How many times have I told you to put the dishes in the sink?" Jack sighed as he dramatically picked up the dishes and gestured towards the sink.

"About a 100," she shrugged as she began searching for the tv remote.

"It was a rhetorical question, smart ass," he teased, "Also you better start getting ready soon."

Max scrunched her nose at this as she popped her head up from looking under the couch,

"For what?"

"Some event thing one of your mom's friends are hosting."

"are they special friends or...?"

"The Hale family." Marisol answered as she stepped into the kitchen, giving her husband a small kiss.

Marisol resembled Max quite a bit with her similar tan skin and dark curls. Except hers flowed out nicely down her back whilst Max preferred her hair short.

"Talia is one of my dearest friends and in honour of us moving to Beacon hills, she's decided to host a small event,"

"Define small." Max asked with a raised brow.

"It's a ball, Andromeda. Now before you make some sort of remark; Yes, you have to go and Yes, they have children around your age."

Max groaned as she slumped into the couch with a pout, " A ball ? Mom, this isn't the 1950's."

"No, it most certainly isn't but she has a daughter around your age... Cora, i believe and an older son, who's a few years older."

"So what are they? Like are they gonna have fangs and shit?"

"Woah, language." Jack scolded as a joke in which Marisol rolled her eyes.

"They're a very powerful and well-respected family of werewolves. So for once if you could please try to not piss them off, that would be much appreciated." the older woman smiled as she poured herself a cup of brewed coffee.

"Fine. What time is it at?" she asked as she turned on the tvd and began scrolling through the guide channel.

"6'o clock. sharp." Marisol stated as she walked over and grabbed the remote out of Max's hand.

"But that's..." Max had begun to protest until her eyes trailed to the clock hung on the wall, which read nearly 3.

"Holy shit, it's already three?"

"Yes, Andromeda. You sleep more than the dead."

"Dead people don't sleep though. They're dead." The younger mage deadpanned with a confused expression.

"It's a figure of speech darling, now go try on the dress I left in your room and let me know if i need to make any alterations." Marisol exasperated as effortlessly used her magic to pull Max off the couch and directed her towards the hallway.

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