chapter nineteen

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The last few days had nearly driven Max insane. 

While she was in surgery, Maggie had taken away her phone, cutting off all communication with her friends. There was nothing too great playing on the crappy tv other than some outdated war movies and the closest thing she had gotten to human interaction was when Parrish came to ask about the "attack" and every couple hours when Melissa came to check on her wound.

Fortunately, she was healing pretty fast and was estimated to be released within a few days. Unfortunately, she had gotten stabbed on the same side her rib cage had been snapped only a few months ago, adding onto her vulnerabilities.

The funny thing was that not once during her time at the hospital had Maggie come to visit, despite all her attempts to keep her friends away. For every meal and assistance, another nurse would come in and if none were available, Max would have to wait a while.

The best part was the Max was able to sleep in as much as she liked. Of course until the loud screeching of a male had awoken her. She tried her hardest to ignore it but seeing as they had placed him in the room next to her, sound travelled pretty quick.

Eventually, she couldn't handle it anymore and decided to head over to shut him up. She reluctantly placed her feet on the floor, still adjusting to the pain as she began walking towards the door. 

Her hand stopped as it reached the doorknob, recalling her memory from a few nights ago. She shook it off as she opened the door, unable to relieve herself of the resurfacing anxiety. 

Max looked around, from the crack of the door as she peeked around for Melissa or Maggie. She quickly slipped out and shut the door behind her before walking over towards the room. 

She peeked in to find a young pale boy, resting in the bed. She looked at him strangely, or rather the bandage around his arm.

"Can I help you?" He asked with his eyes still shut, startling Max.

"Well, initially I came to scream at you for waking me up but I guess I changed my mind." Max shrugged. As much as she wanted to yell, she would feel guilty about it later, merely because he was so young.

Liam had definitely softened her.

"What happened to you?" She asked as she closed the door behind her and walked over to take a seat, despite not being invited in.

Corey looked down at his arm, briefly.

"uh my boyfriend...stung me?"


"Not like that! It was-"

"Hey! I'm not judging buddy! You do you...or rather he do you." Max snickered.

"God, I've known you for less than 3 minutes and you're already the most annoying person I've ever met."

"Eh I get that a lot."

"So what happened to you?" Corey grumbled, crossing his arms like a young child.

"Ah so you super kinky boyfriend is part of a huge...mafia, right? And this opposing mafia, kidnapped me and held me for ransom but then their leader fell in love me cause I'm just so fucking hot so they started fighting over me, right? So then I ran in between them like a stupid bitch and got stabbed by uh one of them and that's how I ended up here."

Corey stared at her with wide eyes, wondering if she could have escaped the psych ward.

"D-Dude I was just joking..." Max finally said once she realized Corey thought she was being serious.

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