chapter thirty-one

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A/N: ayo this is a long ass chapter so friendly reminder to feed the children in your basement before you start 😊👍


Max stirred out of her sleep and hazily propped herself onto her elbows. The right side of her face felt sore and her head was still slightly ringing.

"Hello there."

Max screamed and flared her arms everywhere at the unexpected voice. She found herself sitting a few feet away from Deucalion but of course, she had no idea who he was.

"What the actual fuck."

"Sleep well?" he asked with a polite smile, "You talk a lot in your sleep, you know?"

Max laughed at this awkwardly as she glanced around the operating theatre.

 The last thing she could remember was throwing Parrish down the hall. The rest felt like a haze.

"Oh good, you're awake." Theo said as he walked in, fully dressed for the day.

"Where am I?" she seethed, glaring at him threateningly.

"uh well...I guess you could call this my place?" Theo joked as he placed a set of clothes on the counter.

"Here, I grabbed these from your house, so start getting ready because you're playing today."

Max eyed him strangely as she began standing up, using the back wall for support. Much to her surprise, she hadn't been handcuffed or tied up.

"I'm not playing your stupid games. Let me go." she spat in which Theo looked at her weirdly.

"Game?... You have a lacrosse game today?" he questioned with an amused grin, "Do you see any chains or restrictions? You're free to leave anytime you want, Max."

She narrowed her eyes at him before looking back down at Deucalion who simply shrugged.

"You're just letting me go?...Just like that."

"Well I brought you here cause I didn't think you'd want to have to explain to Maggie why you aren't at Eichen."

"You're the one who put me there in the first place, dipshit." she snapped in which Deucalion snorted.

"I like this one. She's amusing." the alpha stated with a pleasing grin.

"Okay I admit, that was my fault. But I did much worse things to the others too"

"I'm sorry- is that supposed to help?" she retorted, "You tried to kill Scott, you turned him against me and Stiles, blackmailed us, manipulated Malia and Liam, and almost got Lydia killed."

"Well now, I don't need Scott's power. I want the beast's."

Max also didn't have the slightest idea as to what or who the beast was but regardless she went with it, just not wanting to be there any longer.

"I'm going to leave now." she stated awkwardly as she grabbed her clothes and stumbled out of the place, unknowingly heading the wrong direction.

"Wrong way!" Theo called out after her.

"I knew that!" she lied.

"And here I thought you still needed her." Deucalion said, once he was sure she was out of sight.

"I do, what I don't need is Scott and Stiles coming at my ass for her disappearance. I'll take her back when I need her."

A few moments later, Max came stumbling back through the arch way in which Theo turned to look at her with a raised brow.

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