chapter seventeen

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"Okay. Hands on the wheel at 10:00 and 2:00." Kira instructed.

"Actually, the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00. At 10:00 and 2:00, a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia corrected as she applied another layer of lipgloss.

"Mine would heal..." Malia countered.

"Can we go already?" Max groaned, slouching in her seat. 

She had only tagged along because Lydia may or may not have bribed her with homework answers.

She was very much regretting her decision now.

"Hold up." She snapped, "9:00 and 3:00" she instructed as she positioned Malia's hands.

Malia sighed as she gripped onto the wheel, anxiously. Finally, she started the car and begun to drive. Very, very...slowly.

"All right. Just ease into it." Kira encouraged with a smile.

"We're going like a mile an hour." Max stated.

Malia begun picking up the speed, on the empty road, as did everyone's nerves.

"Good, good. Okay. There you go." the raven haired girl sung as she danced to the music playing on the radio.

"please shut up." Malia muttered, nervously.

"No problem. Shutting up."

Everyone else exchanged nervous looks as the car began driving at an angle, further and further away from a straight path.

"Uh, other way..." Kira awkwardly whispered.

"Uh Malia? I'm straighter than the path we're currently taking so... I think that's a sign to turn a bit." Max spoke loudly, over the music as she leaned forward to see better.


They all slightly jolted in their seats as the car went over a bump before driving off the road completely.

"We are now off the road. This is not the road..." Lydia laughed nervously.

The werecoyote seemed to be ignoring everything the other girls were saying as she continued to drive through a series of bushes and barely passing trees. The sensor began beeping as she was getting dangerously close to certain parts of nature.

"What is that? What is beeping?" She asked, cluelessly.

"That's the car telling you get back on the motherfucking road!" Max screeched as she hung onto Kira for dear life.

"Turn the wheel! Malia!" Lydia yelled at the car got nearly close to driving straight into a tree, but Malia managed to turn in time just nearly dodging a possibly fatal blow. 

Everyone sighed in relief as Malia began driving back onto the road.

"And try to stay on the actual road..." Kira suggested politely, before shooting a "we're probably gonna die" look at Max.

Then out of nowhere, Malia made a U-turn causing Kira to slid right into Max, and kept going in circles.

"Okay, sure... Uh, this is called a "U-turn"..."

"You said "Turn the wheel!"" 

"Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas..." Lydia suggested. As told, the were-coyote pressed hard on the gas, causing them all to jerk forward in their seats as the car sped up.

Malia swerved around in a different direction, causing a wave of nausea to go through Max's body.

"Does anyone want to tell me where we're going?"

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