chapter seven

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"Hey guys? Over here.." Stiles called out as the pack followed him down, "Look at the cracks in the wall. It's like the entrance outside. It only opens with claws- anyone's claws, right?"

"Um... Malia can you try?"

"Why me?" Malia retorted.

"Because I don't have control,"

"Okay. I'll do it...But first, tell me what you've been hiding from me" Malia said, crossing her arms. Max raised her brows at her boldness, she definitely had taken a liking to Malia as well.

Stiles and Scott exchanged glances and both struggled to speak, making Max and Malia's curiosity grow by the second.

"I know I'm on the list!" Malia finally exclaimed. Stiles anxiously glanced over at Scott before nodding his head and looking at Malia.


"So how many am I worth?"

"4 million..." Scott answered and Max took this as her only chance to ask.

"Scott. How much am I worth?"

Scott looked over at Stiles who held his mouth open before turning back to her and sighing,


'Oh that's not too bad. $50 k puts me lower on the priority list'  Max thought as a small smile fell over her lips.

"...Million" Stiles winced. Max's mouth dropped open and a panic rushed over her, 

"B-but that's more than Scott...Who's an alpha..A true Alpha" Max faltered, slightly laughing in between.

"You have the highest worth on the list, because Mages are rare." Scott caved in.

"Like super rare... Like you might be the only one left...type of rare..." Stiles added, earning a smack on the chest from his best friend. Max's eyes fell the the floor as she got lost into thought. Deaton hadn't told her about any of this, had he lied to her? Had they all? How could she be the only one left? Surely there had to be another.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked softly.

She glanced back at them, "Yeah, but I have a question."

"Yeah, ask us anything." Scott encouraged with a comforting smile.

"If I killed myself, do you think the benefactor would transfer the money into my bank account, cause $50 million is ALOT." Max asked, half- joking but half seriously.

Kira, Scott and Stiles glared at her, thinking she had lost her mind but Malia looked at her differently. Almost admiring.

"That's actually a good idea," Malia complimented with a look of awe.

"I know right!" Max bragged, putting her arm around Malia. Making the other three's stares intensify, this was the alliance they most certainly didn't need.

"Oh c'mon, we were just joking" Malia sighed.

Stiles let out a sarcastic, dry laugh, "Just open the damn door!"


Max walked around, examining all the different artifacts in the vault. Unlike the others, she found all of it quite fascinating but that might have also just been because she was bored out of her mind. Scott and Kira sat next to each other, hands interlocked as they quietly talked amongst themselves. Malia was curled up in Stile's hoodie, resting her head against Stiles' shoulder, who was too busy watching Max.

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