chapter twenty-six

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A/N: I know I said I update very other day but this is the last chapter of 5A and I really wanted to publish it lol. Enjoy :)


It had been less than 24 hours since Max had spoken to Scott. She wasn't even sure of whether Hayden was still alive at this point but she didn't bother caring.

It's not like she could do anything about it anyways. She supposed she could try to be there for Liam as well but when she found out why he was at Sinema, let's just say she wasn't too happy with him at the moment either.

Stiles had left a few brief messages asking about how she was doing and what not but she wasn't in the mood to respond... until of course he tracked her down at school in which she was forced to talk. 


"Hey, Max! Hold up!" Stiles called out as he jogged up to her in the hallways during class break.

"Hey," Max mumbled, blandly causing Stiles to frown.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." 

"Fine, I guess. Are you...?"

"Okay I, not okay actually." Stiles sighed as he rubbed her neck anxiously, "After you left, Scott and I kinda "broke" up, he's a lot more angry than I thought he'd be."

"But why? It was self-defence."

"Yeah but the way he said it made it seem like he didn't know that. I-i don't even know how he found out."

"Really? You really have no idea who could have told him?" Max remarked with a raised brow.

"...Theo. You and him were the only people who knew."

They both fell into a comfortable silence as they walked through the empty hallways with no exact destination.

"Uh how's your...." Stiles asked, gesturing towards her neck.

Max stopped walking as she shot him a look before grabbing her hair by the side and revealing her neck so he could see for himself.

He winced just looking at the four holes in her neck in which the blood had dried, creating a top layer.

"You haven't healed yet?" he asked as he let his finger tips softly graze around the injury.

"I already told you. I don't heal."

"Yeah but I just thought that you would recover faster or be less vulnerable cause of your powers."

"Nope. I'm squishy and fleshy as you, Stiles." she teased with a small smile as she poked at his stomach.

Stiles smiled briefly but Max could easily see the sadness in his eyes. He dragged his fingers down his face as he felt his eyes water, not wanting to cry in front of anyone at the moment.


"Yeah?" he choked out with a false smile which slowly fell as a few tears made their way out of his hazel eyes. He quickly wiped them away with the back of his sleeve and turned away from Max, trying to hide how he felt.

Max couldn't remember the last time she had seen him so upset, or if she had ever even seen him this upset. She wasn't entirely sure what to do or how he liked to be comfort so she did the one thing she could think of.

She awkwardly hugged him from the back, her nose squished against his back, in which Stiles choked out a laugh.

"What are you doing?" 

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