𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙩.𝙤𝙣𝙚

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"Max! Can you get the door?" Scott shouted.


"For once, will you please do what I ask you to do?!"

"Why? Cause you're the big bad alpha!"

"No. Because you still have some good left in your crippled heart! And I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Why can't you fucking do it?"

"Because I'm peeing!"

"Fine." Max screamed back, as she rolled off the couch and flat onto the floor. She trudged over to the door, annoyed of whoever could possibly be over at 8 in the morning.

The pack had a Harry Potter marathon the night before and had passed out sometime during the fifth movie, now sprawled across Scott's living room. Malia and Lydia laid on one of the couches on opposite sides. Liam and Scott had taken the floor which Stiles had joined later on. 

Stiles initially was on the couch with Max but then he tried to tickle her, knowing she would hate it, so she threw him off the couch.

Max had never brought up the kiss from La Iglesia. She figured if he wanted her to forget, then it was probably a mistake. Either way, their relationship was rather... complicated.

Every time Stiles tried to show his feelings towards her, he tended to panic and pass it on as a joke, which usually ended up in insulting Max by accident. On the other hand, Max only found his "jokes" annoying as she began hating him.

Max accidentally tripped over a pile of shoes, stumbling into the door with a loud thump before slowly opening it, looking rather dead.

"Who the fuck are you?" she mumbled at the blonde boy ahead of her, who strangely wore a scarf in the middle of summer.

"Who the fuck are you?" Isaac retorted with raised brows. The two glared at each other with strange expressions for a few brief moments before the small realization came to mind.

"Are you...?" she asked with suspicious eyes.

Isaac hesitantly nodded, " And are you...?"

In which Max also nodded, they gave each strange looks for another moment.

"Werewolf?" Max asked, unsure.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Isaac?" Scott exclaimed as he walked down the hallway.

"Isaac?" Max scrunched her nose, trying to wonder where she might have heard his name before.


"Isaac?" Stiles groaned, half asleep.






"A child?"




Everyone furrowed their brows as they turned to look at Liam, who had gone red.

"Who the fuck is Jimmy?" Max exasperated.

"I don't know...I got confused," Liam admitted, sheepishly.

"Come in, come in!" Scott laughed as he ushered Isaac in, grabbing his suitcase.

"are you Scott's beta?" Isaac asked Max, as he removed his jacket, hanging it up on the coat rack.

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