chapter thirty

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A/N: since this is kind of like a part 2 to the previous chapter, I'll just post it today :)


Stiles and Theo scurried through the miles of tunnels, in search of Lydia. Theo led the way as he claimed to have found a scent while Stiles pulled Max along.

Her expression remained bland and the longer it stayed, the more worried Stiles grew.

"I thought you had her scent?" Stiles asked, impatiently as the search was going far longer than deemed.

"I lost it." the chimera sighed.

"So find it again!"

"What do you smell down here, Stiles?"

"Chemicals... and fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you." the Stilinski boy snapped.

"I smell it, too. It's all that I can smell... Which is why I'm trying something else. So, can you shut up and let me concentrate?"

Stiles threw his hands up defensively as he backed away, allowing Theo to concentrate in peace.

He tried to tune out all noise, singling out any sound within the tunnels but that also seemed to have failed.

"I'm gonna find her." Stiles stated as he begin walking the other way, yanking Max along like a dog on a leash.

"You know you won't, Stiles. You're gonna have to trust me." Theo groaned in annoyance.

"Trust you? The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?"

"Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So, when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too."

"So then, together you gutted and killed her. That's a beautiful story." Stiles exasperated as he rolled his eyes.

"I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes! Do you think I had any idea what was going on?"

Before Stiles and Theo could make another point in their argument, Lydia's banshee wail echoed throughout the hollowed tunnels.

Once again, Max grasped onto her head as her knees buckled. She squeezed her eyes shut in attempts of succumbing the pain as Stiles and Theo ran straight to her.

"Is this a mage thing or something?" Theo asked as Stiles pushed her hair out of her face before pulling her into his chest in attempts of lessening whatever pain she was feeling.

"...or something." Stiles mumbled, grimly.

Suddenly the screaming stopped and Max pushed herself out of Stiles' grip, getting onto her feet. She stared straight ahead for a few moments before her eyes flashed violet and she began walking forward.

Stiles scrambled onto his feet and shot Theo a look before the two ran after her.

"Where are you going?"

When Max didn't reply, Theo made the mistake of grabbing her roughly by the arm. She turned around to face him, cocking her head to the side as Theo began choking.

He absently grasped at his neck, despite Max not doing anything.

"Stop....Please." he choked out but if anything, she almost seemed satisfied with her actions.

"Max, stop!" Stiles demanded, in which Max turned toward him. For a brief moment, it seemed as if she was listening and a part of her humanity had returned but instead she released Theo, who fell onto the floor wheezing, and began walking once more.

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