chapter eighteen

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(A/N: I was half dead when I proof-read this- please forgive me lol)

"I'm not dead yet, you dumbass." Max snapped at Kira who looked as if she was about to begin bawling at any second.

"You didn't say anything! I thought you were dead!" Kira protested.

"Yeah well, staying alive is PRETTY FUCKING HARD, so a nap would be nice-"

"No, you have to stay awake until the other's get here."

Ironically, the others rushed in as soon as Kira had spoken the words.

"Over here!" Kira cried out as she heard the front doors open. Scott had rushed over to help Noah onto his feet as the others rushed towards the main office, where the two awaited.

At this point, the pain wasn't seeming to subside so Max could barely muster out any jokes she had but ultimately ended up laughing at them in her head, making her seem a bit delusional.

Stiles ran in but froze at the doorway as his own surroundings had begun to haze. He could barely recognize Max as half of her face was covered in blood and the parts that weren't were far paler than her normal skin.

He breathed heavily, grabbing the sides of doorway to steady himself, she wasn't dead yet but something about the image in front of him made him feel sick to the stomach.

"Get out of the way!" Theo demanded as he shoved Stiles off to the side, running in whilst removing his belt.

"Lay her down,"

The mage winced as Kira and Theo moved her around to rest on her back. At some point, actually staying conscious had gotten far too difficult and her heavy eye lids got the best of her.

Theo seemed to take notice and he quickly used to belt to secure her lower half in attempts to stop the bleeding.

Scott had managed to pull Stiles out and the two ran down to the basement after Tracy and Lydia. The banshee was found paralyzed near the entrance of the basement but otherwise unharmed, whilst ms. Martin had been unconscious.

"Woah hey! Stay awake, alright?" Theo said as he noticed her eyes half closing.

"okay..." Max mumbled as the last bits of the sheriffs ceiling went black. 


Max had regained some bits of consciousness as the dimmed lights of the hospital flickered past her. She tried to say something but it just came as a groan, however catching the attention of Melissa.

"Hey. You're gonna be okay, alright? Just hang in there." Melissa soothed as Max rolled past her on the bed.

Giving one last look, Melissa took off in the opposite direction to where the pack waited, anxiously.


"How bad is it?" Stiles asked impatiently as Scott and Liam joined the rest of the pack.

"Could have been worse," she sighed, "Theo, nice going with that tourniquet. You probably saved her life."

Theo swallowed hard giving her a solemn nod.

"All right. She's about to go into surgery, so it's going to be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about, or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?"

"It was the tail."

"Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Scott confirmed.

"And she wasn't paralyzed or anything, correct?"

"We're pretty sure she's immune to the venom," Stiles muttered, dragging her fingers across his forehead.

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