𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙩. 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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"Max! For the hundredth time, I'm not gay!" Liam whined.

"Yes you are! Stop lying to yourself!"

"I like girls!"

"Fine, then you're bi! You just haven't found the right guy yet!" Max countered.

"How do you know you're straight, huh?" Liam retorted, crossing his arms.

"Who said I was straight?"

"You're not straight?..." Stiles exclaimed, spilling some of his popcorn on the floor.

"I never said I was gay either, besides I thought the flannels were a giveaway,"

"Hey, I wear flannels all the time," Stiles interjected.

"We know, Stiles. We know..." Max smirked, raising a brow at him in which Lydia followed suite.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" He pouted. Lydia and Max simply exchanged a look as the pack entered the screening room of the theatre.

The theatre was literally empty as they all searched for their seats.

"Are we early or something?" Stiles asked, grabbing his phone from his back pocket.

"Nope, we're actually ten minutes late"

"Huh...Think we got the theatre to ourselves?" Malia said with a sly smile.

"We should give it about 5 minutes just to be safe," Isaac said as he not-so-casually grabbed Scott by the hand dragging him to seats away from the rest of the pack.

Lydia and Malia happily took a seat, towards the front sharing a rather large popcorn. Max didn't waste another second as she ditched Liam and Stiles to sit at the very back, right in the middle of the isle. (aka the best seat)

The movie had already begun, starting off rather eerie. Max had managed to drag them all out to the screening of Annabelle. They were all reluctant except for Lydia who shared a similar interest of horror movies with Max.

For a few moments, everything was peaceful, until of course Stiles plopped into the seat right next to her. Max slowly turned her head to face him, furiously.

"Dude, you're not a werewolf. Stop growling so loud." Stiles laughed as his eyes remained planted on the large screen.

"It's an empty theatre and you just had to sit next to me?"

"Well, what good of a date would I be if I just left you here alone?"

Max scoffed with shock and she struggled to find enough words to form a sentence, "Stiles, this isn't a date,"

"Mhm. Yeah, okay," he scoffed, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"This" Max said as she gestured the space between the two, "is never going to happen,"

Stiles smirked as he leaned in towards to her, "Mhm, we'll see about that" he whispered into her ear, before pulling back and resuming to the movie.

Max simply stared at him, confused as to where his newly found confidence was coming from. She stood up, rather loudly as she headed down to the next row, plopping into a seat.

She tried to watch the movie but had no idea as to what was happening. As far as she knew, some lady got knocked up and now was expecting an ugly ass child. Oh and there was a creepy doll. The rest she was still pretty lost about.

Suddenly, she felt something hit her on the back of the head, making her tense where she sat. She slowly turned to face Stiles; who's eyes were still planted on the screen ahead but a noticeable smirk was plastered on his stupid but adorable face.

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