chapter three

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The next day at school, everyone had come with a mission on hand. 

Scott and Stiles were determined to talk to Liam, considering the fact that tonight would be his first moon. Lydia had agreed to rent out her boathouse for the pack and Malia somewhat agreed to share the basement with the new beta. 

Another problem laid at hand now. 


 There was no way of telling whether she would keep everything she saw to herself or if she'd tell someone but Scott was determined to keep the supernatural undercover at all costs.

"Can't we just kill her? Like wouldn't that be so much easier than kidnapping her again?" Malia exasperated.

"You know for once, I agree with Malia," Stiles chipped in, earning a glare from his best friend.

"We're not killing her!" Scott finalized, "Just let me talk to her."

 Reluctantly, Stiles nodded and began following Scott.

"Alone!" Scott clarified as he walked down the hall and Stiles awkwardly spun back around. 

Max packed away her spare binders into her locker as her friend blabbered away about something she honestly did not give two shits about. Max didn't have a lot of friends but she had Jane. 

Jane was a sweet girl, quite the opposite to Max. She was shy and rarely spoke first but once you really got to know her, she would never seem to shut up. Nevertheless, Jane was an exceptionally gorgeous girl. Her usual giant curls were braided into neat dreads and she always wore bright colours to abstract from her dark skin.

"So can you?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Max asked, snapping back to reality.

"Go to the movies tonight? It's Friday night anyways, what else are you gonna do?" 

"Um I don't know, text you later?" Max said, packing her history book into her bag and closing her locker. 

After waving her friend 'bye', she headed down towards mr. Yukimura's classroom, mesmerized by the floor patterning.

"Hey! I didn't see you there," Scott exclaimed as he stood less than a foot away from Max. 

That was a filthy lie. 

Scott had been stalking her for about the last 5 minutes or so, tuning in on her conversations.

Max shot her eyes up to stare at him and Scott listened to her heart rate pick up. She quickly turned around and began walking off but he caught up easily and grabbed her arm, slightly tugging her back.

"What do you want now? You've already injured a kid, kidnapped me and put me in your goddamn bathtub ALL in the last 24 hours so please- what more could you possibly want?" She snapped, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes towards Scott.

Scott opened his mouth and closed it a few times, trying to find the words. 

"Look. Last night, you saw something and I don't know how much you saw but I need you to keep it to yourself. Please... or Malia might try to kill you,"

 "Scott, I'm not stupid. Of course, I'm not going to say anything. Besides what would I even say? I saw a teenage boy turn into a werewolf and bite a 15 year old kid?" Max retorted as she crossed her arms;

"...Yeah. That's actually pretty fair, but how did you know that I was a werewolf?"

"I've been in this town long enough to see things I wasn't supposed to. Also, Stiles talks really fucking loud. Like seriously, I can hear everything you guys talk about without having to eavesdrop."

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