chapter nine

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Max sat at the kitchen table, watching as Maggie hustled to make breakfast. Her chin rested on her hand and she tried to focus on the day ahead but her mind was certainly elsewhere. More specifically, last nights events.


"Ow that stings" Max flinched as she smacked Stiles' hand away.

"Well what'd you think it was going to feel like?" Stiles laughed as he leaned over once again, to disinfect Max's cut. Melissa had yet to stitch it up and Max still needed to find an excuse for her bruised and cut cheek.

"...Not sting?"

Stiles laughed at this and the two sat in a comfortable silence for a bit. They were the only ones left at the hospital from the pack. Scott had taken Liam and Kira home, who was worried out of her mind after her mother nearly died.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Stiles asked in almost a whisper.


"Why do you keep throwing yourself in these situations where you always end up getting hurt?" Stiles clarified as he tossed the blooded gauze to the side, resting his elbows on his knees. Max felt very uncomfortable under his gaze and she couldn't find it in herself to look him in the eyes.

"I thought I was being selfless" she joked.

"Yeah so did i. But there's a thin line between selfless and plain stupid, you passed that line at the lacrosse game."

"Maybe I deserve it" Max mumbled but instantly regretted it.


"Nothing. Can you just hurry up so I can go home?"

" you blame yourself for your parents? Because you know that wasn't your fault right? you don't deserve any of this." Stiles comforted, "i watch you a lot by the way. Probably creepy to admit out to loud, but i do. i've seen the way you take care of Kira and Liam. You're a good person, okay?"

Stiles placed his hand onto Max's, lightly stroking the top with his thumb. Max hated when people touched her. But the strange thing was, she didn't mind when Stiles touched her... and that made her angry and confused.

She jerked her hand away, avoiding to meet Stiles' hopeless hazel eyes.

"you know what, Stiles? You act like you know me but in reality, you don't know shit about me." Max spat, "You keep trying to "understand" me so you can fix me. but what you need to understand is that i don't need you to fix me." She stood up, off the patient bed and walked towards the door.

"I'm not just another stupid damsel in distress, because in reality, that's not how any of this fucking works. So cut the bullshit and back off!" she shouted as she stormed out, her magic unconsciously slamming the door shut behind her.
"Hey Max!"


"You've been out of it for like 5 minutes, i said i'm leaving now" Maggie rephrased as she grabbed her keys and purse. "Try not to get murdered by evil giant gnome men today, alright?"

"no promises" Max mumbled as she mindlessly chewed on some slightly undercooked bacon.

Her story to Maggie had been... fairly convincing. She had obviously heard that there was an attack at the hospital considering she was on her shift at the time so Max worked around that. apparently Max had come to the hospital to visit her when suddenly some evil giant gnome men attacked. Kira's mom pushes her out of the way which is why she almost died and Max came off with only a black eye and cut cheek... Liam may or may not have helped her come up with the explanation. Either way, she believed it.

And due to her rather "extreme" injuries, Max got to stay home and skip school. This was rare for Maggie to grant so she intended to make full use out of it. By that, Max was going to binge watch as much netflix as she could.

Max sobbed hopelessly on the couch, surrounded by piles of kleenex and spilled hot cheetos.

"you were right, Clarke. Life is about more than just surviving."
"In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again."

A knock sounded at the door, forcing Max to pause her show and stumble over to her front door. Strangely, it was Malia.

"oh my god- what's wrong?" Malia asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Lexa died..." Max sniffled as Malia pulled her in for a hug.

"i'm so sorry. Were you guys close?"

"No. She's a fictional character"

Malia pulled away instantly, rolling her eyes, "oh my god. i thought something actually happened."

"Something did happen! I lost my favourite character!"

" Okay well, i guess we both have some things we'd like to forget then."

"what?" Max looked at her strangely, as she was being yanked into the living room.

"the bonfire tonight. we're going and we're getting drunk."

" i can't go... it's uh a social anxiety thing. yeah... very traumatic! no cure, gotta stay home" Max shrugged.

"okay well Scott and Kira are way too responsible for this. Frankly, i don't really like Liam. And both of us are mad at Stiles." Malia reasoned.

"i'm not mad at Stiles"

"he called you irresponsible and reckless"

"okay, i'm mad at stiles"

"C'mon we're both the same. we both have dead families and make impulsive decisions. so why don't we make another one, together?  Malia begged, "Also i spent half my life as a dog, i really need this"

"Fine" Max agreed, " But the bonfires not until later, which means you gotta watch "the 100" with me"

okay, i decided to shorten the chapter by a bit and just continue the bonfire in the next chapter. i also apologize for any grammar mistakes cause i typed this out on my phone during english class so uh yea <3 i love seeing your guys comments aha. oh and i just heard a really loud ass bird out the window. the mf was literally wheezing 🧍‍♀️.

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