chapter twenty-five

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Trigger warning: briefly talks about suicide towards the end of the chapter.


These last few days have been nothing like the rest. We've all had our times of crisis but something's different. It feels...dull.

Scott's not the same either anymore. I think he keeps trying to be responsible for everything and blames himself for the things that go wrong, sooner or later he's bond to break down. 

Without him holding us together, who will?

Stiles has been a mess since the Donovan problem. He keeps saying he'll tell Scott soon but I know he's reluctant because he doesn't want to lose his best friend. Surely Scott would understand it was an act of self-defence, right?

I just want to be able to do something because right now I just feel the same way I did in junior year.


If Kira were still here, she'd give me a whole speech on why I'm valid and I'm an important part of this pack. I know I complain a lot about them saying they're cliche and stupid but god knows I could use one right about now.

 I feel like I should be angry with Kira, she's gone to who knows where, without a goodbye or anything... I suppose it was for a good reason, cause she wants to protect the rest of us but it still hurts.

In the nicest way possible I don't exactly give two shits about Hayden. I mean, yeah she is another kid but I think the only reason I want to protect her is solely for Liam. The dread doctors are still coming for her and possibly Liam and they better believe the only way they'd get Liam is over my dead body.

I still don't trust Theo, none of this makes sense. Yes, he wanted a pack but it's weird how the dread doctors showed up and everything went wrong as soon as he came. I can't even bring it up to Scott without him getting defensive over his childhood friend.

On top of that, it's not like I have an adult to talk to. I haven't heard anything from Derek and Braeden in the last while and it's not like I have parents of my own. Maggie's still giving me shit so the only person I have would be Melissa, but she has her own kid to worry about.

Beacon hills isn't the warm home I once began getting familiar with anymore. 

It's a living hell.

"It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found..." Stiles muttered as he trailed around, touching all sorts of trees.

"Stiles. You've already been here twice. Once with Lydia and now with me." Max sighed, watching the brunette boy flaunt from tree to tree.

After finding Parrish's name tag, they had learned that it was him who had been taking the bodies. They still hadn't had the slightest clue of what he was and from the looks of it, neither did he.

Stiles had a theory that the bodies would be found by the Nemeton, in which Max just assumed to "the stump."


"Shouldn't we just talk to Parrish? I mean if he's the one taking bodies and what not, maybe he remembers something." Max suggested as she kicked around a small rock with her sneakers.

"wait- shouldn't you be able to find the bodies?" Stiles asked, turning towards her.

"I think that's Lydia's job."

"Yeah but you can see dead people or whatever it is you do. Remember the Hale vault where you could see Allison, Aiden..."

"Yeah but those were hallucinations. Stiles, I was half out of my mind. Besides I don't even know who we're looking for right now."

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