chapter twenty-four

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"God, Ms. Finch is impossible with the amount of work load she gives us. Like I'm sorry that she has nothing better to do than eat cheap gelato and sit with her thousand cats on her hours off." Lydia ranted as Max grabbed her binders from her locker.

"Yeah well, you'll be just fine. You're good at this stuff unlike me, who would have dropped out of AP two days in." Max laughed as she slammed her locker door shut but as soon as she had, the hallways had gone dark and a heavy wind blew within the building.

"uh Lydia?" Max called out uncertainly as she clutched her school books tightly and began trailing down the dark abandoned hallways. 

Suddenly an arm grabbed her own from the back, stopping her and causing her to slightly panic until she saw Stiles' face.

"Stiles? What's going on?" She asked with a rush of concern and fear as he began pulling her towards the opposite end of the hallway.

"C'mon! C'mon! We gotta go!" he shouted as he yanked her harder until she began running with him.

"Why are we running?" she protested just as they made sharp turn at the end.

Max gasped and she stumbled to halt when she saw Stiles' limp body impaled by a pole, holding him up. Blood dripped down from the gaping hole in his chest and onto the floor as his eyes were frozen wide.

"But you- I-i" she stammered as she looked between the dead Stiles and the stiles that stood beside her.

Stiles began chuckling darkly as he dropped his head, shaking it.

"You're so gullible, you know that?" Void laughed as Max tripped over her own feet, walking backwards and fell to the floor, her books clattering down among side her.

"You just heard Stiles telling you to go and you went with it?" He continued laughing as Max crawled backwards fearfully.

"I thought you were smarter than that, huh?" he scolded as she strutted up to her and grabbed her roughly by the shirt, pulling her up and pinning her to the lockers.

'wake up!'

"Don't be stupid." Void yelled as he wrapped his hand around her neck and began squeezing it fatally.

She kicked her legs under him and her small hands wrapped around his rough calloused ones, trying to pry them off.

'Max. Wake up!'

"Use your head! Use your fucking head!" He screamed into her face.

Suddenly, Max's eyes shot open and she immediately jerked away from Theo and Stiles' grip, scrambling to get up and run. 

Except she didn't know where to run so instead she stopped to look at them, barely catching her breath. 

Until she realized she couldn't catch it at all.

She bent over and coughed hard, the stingy residue of the black smoke filled her lungs as Theo struggled to put out the last bits of fire in Roscoe.

"What- What happened?" she choked out, once her airway and opened and she could somewhat breathe.

"The body. The body's gone." Theo spat as he threw the fire extinguisher off to the side.

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital. You were right in the back so you inhaled a lot of smoke." Stiles suggested as he gently grasped his hand onto her forearm for support.

She looked at him reluctantly, unsure of whether or not to trust him despite Void being dead.

"No, it's alright. I'm fine." she mumbled as she brushed his hand off.

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