chapter twenty-seven

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A.N: oh my god- I've had so many new readers come in and every morning I wake up to a 100+ notifications and lemme just say that makes me SO happy. Thank you so so much for all your reads and comments! I love reading them and again, thank you for all the support you've given this book :')


Max startled out of her sleep due to loud high pitched shriek. She had heard countless screams from patients over the course of the last night but nothing compared to this one.

This one sounded almost familiar.

She prepared to go back to sleep when her eyes caught the wide opened door that was meant to remain locked during nights. She eyed it strangely as she slowly propped herself up onto her elbows before glancing over at the bed next to her, which was empty.

"Cassie?" she hushed out loud, wondering if her blonde friend had somehow managed to escape their dorm. She threw her legs over the bed and placed her bare feet on the cold stone floor.

Weirdly, her slippers weren't anywhere around either.

She stood up and began stalking towards the door. She knew that if she got caught also sneaking out, it'd only extend her time in this nuthouse so, she was cautious and hesitant of going after her friend.

"Cassie? Where'd you go?" she whispered again once she had stepped into the hallway. Much to her surprise, the  usually dimmed hallways were out black as all the other rooms were wide open as well.

She began walking down, checking each room to check if anyone else was still here but from the looks of it, she was alone.

Suddenly, Max stopped in her tracks when she heard a group of voices from afar, their sounds echoing throughout the building. She recognized one voice in particular.


"Scott! Is that you?" she shouted out loud as her strides turn into a run, following the sounds of the voice. Apart of her hoped that once her friends had realized she was gone, they came looking for her but that chances of that were pretty low.

"Scott!" She called out again as she jogged out of the open doors leading outside, but instantly froze at the sight.

There were a few figures dressed in all black, wearing dark masks and she witnessed just as one of them jerked their sword forward, right into the brunette huntress she briefly knew.

"No!" she shrieked without realizing it as she jerked her hand forward, trying to stop the blow from being fatal, but like many of her worst nightmares; she wasn't fast enough.

Allison's eyes went wide as the oni pulled the sword back out and the girl fell to the floor, just as Scott had ran to catch her.

Just like that, all of the oni evaporated into thin air, leaving a slight black residue behind.

Max's eyes trailed up from the girl around where she saw Isaac, Kira, and Noshiko.

None of them seemed to even notice Max there, except for one.

Her eyes glanced over at the brunette boy with dark bags, sitting comfortably on the ledge as he watched her witness Allison's death.

"This is the night Allison died..." she muttered with a sad tone.

"Mhm." Void confirmed as he jumped down and glided over to her, watching Allison's last moments.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"I'm not. It's your memory."

Max turned to him with furrowed brows and a confusion expression, "That's not possible. I didn't even know Scott and Stiles until junior year."

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