chapter twenty

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The last few days of her stay at the hospital weren't half as bad as she had initially anticipated, seeing as Corey was there with her. Soon enough, she was dispatched and had never been more happy to go home.

Except of course, she had barely been home for less than five minutes before Scott and Kira had picked her up, allowing her to tag along to their trip to Eichen. They updated her as to where their comprehending of the dread doctors and chimeras stood and for once, Max eagerly listened.

Soon enough, they arrived at the infamous mental institution. It was nothing special for Kira and Scott but it was definitely intriguing for Max. Apparently, this was the considered home of the nogitsune, meaning she could find some personal answers of her own.

"it's hideous." Max commented as she stumbled out of the car. Her sneaker laces, which she rarely remembered to tie, got caught in the seat so ultimately she ended up tumbling backwards onto her ass.

Kira and Scott hadn't even noticed as they hesitantly walked up towards the entrance.

Actually, Scott had noticed. He just didn't care.

"Here." a voice sighed as they looped their arms under Max's and yanked her up. She was far too proud to admit her trip hurt her wound but thankfully they knew her well.

Max turned around about to mutter some form of appreciation but panicked as soon as she saw Stiles face. Once again, she tripped over her feet, but didn't fall.

"Jesus you scared me," she weakly laughed.

"How are you holding up?" Stiles asked, anxiously scratching the side of his face.

It had been less than 24 hours since he killed Donovan. A thought that continued haunting him but he was determined to keep it under the wraps, especially from Max.

"Alright i guess, for getting impaled" Max shrugged as she moved to pat Stiles on the shoulder.

Obviously she had no idea about his injury and Stiles winced loudly jerking his arm in which the sudden movement cause Max to flinch as her encounter with void left her on edge with Stiles.

"What was that?" Stiles asked, furrowing his brows with concern, wondering what he could have done to inflict her reaction.

"Why did you wince?"

"Why did you flinch?"

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Guys! Can we not do this right now?" Scott exasperated, gesturing towards the doors.

"Just so you know, i hurt my shoulder while fixing the jeep. The hood fell," Stiles lied, as the two walked towards Lydia, Kira and Scott.

"Just so you know, i've been on edge ever since nearly dying." Max muttered.

It wasn't completely a lie in her defence.

"Yeah and you wouldn't have if you had just listened to me for once." he retorted.

"Fine. You were right. You're always right, Stiles. I'm not capable of making decisions for myself because the only thing i contribute to our group is being the reckless friend who constantly needs saving. Isn't that right?" Max exasperated, her voice growing louder.

Stiles stopped in his tracks and crossed his arms, dramatically rolling his eyes.

"W-when did I even say that?! You're just putting words in my mouth!"

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