chapter thirty-four

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A/N: okay I'll be honest with you. I had no fucking idea as to what was happening in S5 like I'm trying my best to explain with my understanding of it so please just bare with me 💀


"Is she gonna be okay?" Max asked as both, her and Stiles, sat around Lydia's hospital bed while the banshee slept.

Her throat had been clawed by Sebastian, who they recently found out was the beast. He was originally killed by one of the Argent's ancestors, Marie-Jeanne, but brought back by the dread doctors.

"I don't know..." Stiles sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

They sat in a comfortable silence before Max got up and began leaving the room.

"I'm gonna get some air." she said whilst walking out and shutting the door behind her.

She hadn't been paying too much attention as she walked right into a nurse, muttering some sort of apology before she saw her face.

Maggie stepped back, staring at Max with wide eyes, which soon became furious ones. She grabbed her roughly by the forearm and yanked her to the side.

"What are you doing here? "

Max didn't say anything, but instead tried to pull her arm away but her aunt didn't budge as she began pushing her nails into her skin.

"Answer me! What the hell are you doing here?" she repeated with a furious glare, "Did you escape? Get one of your stupid friends to help?"

The lights began to flicker as Max shoved her arm out harder.

In many alternate occasions, Maggie would have already been thrown down the hallway but when it comes to family, there's always a slight vulnerability.

Stiles, who had noticed the change in lights had already rushed out of Lydia's room and was heading towards the two.

"Hey! Let her go!" he yelled at the older woman who turned to sneer at him.

"You did this." she accused, "She was perfectly fine before you came into her life and completely fucked her up."

Seeing as she didn't release her tight grip on Max's arm; he stepped closer trying to pull her hand off but Maggie shoved him backwards, causing him to trip and hit the reception desk roughly.

The fear on Max's face had slowly dispersed as something else completely took over her. She dropped her head for a moment before raising it back up so her violet eyes met Maggie's.

The older women instantly released her arm and began backing away, astounded.

"H-how did you do that?"

"I've been so blind my entire life." Max spat with a dark chuckle as she began walking towards her aunt, her hands had her side, "I was so convinced that you were so much better than my mom because you weren't trying to hurt me but in reality you were, this whole fucking time."

A couple of the lights blew down the hall simultaneously, sending sparks everywhere but it didn't seem as if Max was planning on stopping anytime soon.

"I told myself that you were better. That you didn't hit me, you didn't try to kill me but now that I'm looking back, you weren't any better than Lyra." Max said with a calm tone, which only perceived to be more intimidating.

"I'm sorry-i didn't-" Maggie pleaded with fearful eyes as she backed away.

"I-im sorry- I didn't! Please don't hurt me..." Max mocked with a sly grin, "You made me feel like something was wrong with me my entire fucking life. I wanted to give my life up entirely because no matter what I did, it was never enough for you..."

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