chapter eight

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"Is three enough?"

"Depends on how many cameras they have...but I think so" Stiles responded.

"We're doing it- tonight." Scott affirmed.

"But isn't it kind of dangerous...?"

"It's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic."

Tonight, Scott McCall would die.


Max hesitantly walked through the front doors of the Beacon hills veterinary hospital. 

"Dr. Deaton?"

The friendly man made his way out to the front with a mischievous smile. "I've been expecting you, Max. What can I do for you?"

Max hesitantly handed him the vial, containing the orange-like sand. Dr. Deaton carefully took this into his hands, brought it up to eye level to examine more critically. He looked at her with a smile and motioned for her to follow him to the back.

"This is datura powder," He began, as he cautiously opened the top, "it's very rare, may I ask how it made it way into your hands?"

"It happened when we were in the Hale's vault. It was mended into the mirror. When I looked into the mirror... I- I saw people who passed. Allison, Aiden, Mr. Harris...But I was the only one who could see it. Stiles was next to me and he couldn't see anything. I don't know why but they were trying to... kill me? "Allison" impaled me with a sword and it felt so real. I felt actual pain and I thought I was going to die but Stiles said he couldn't see any injuries. It didn't stop until he shattered the mirror."

Dr. Deaton nodded his head thoughtfully and he reached under the cabinet to pull out a rather large looking book.

"You see, Max. Mages are quite complex creatures, in fact I've never dealt with one in person. But rumours claim that some do have the ability to see the deceased. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Max sighed as she nodded, resentfully. "My mother lost her mind trying to stay in touch with my father after he died. At first it was once or twice a few weeks but eventually she started "visiting" his more and more frequently. She had even told me she wanted to teach me how to, so I could see him too. But it started affecting her...badly. My father noticed too, im presuming, as he stopped seeing her for her sake. She told me that it was my fault and I told him to stop. She started taking it out on me for a while .Until one day... I- i found her dead." Max spoke, her words nearly silent towards the end.

"Datura powder has the same affect on you as wolfsbane does on werewolves and such," Deaton explained, "Inhalation can cause hallucinations, but in this case, it was only amplifying what you can already do. I could be wrong but Max...Not only can you see the dead, you can speak to them."


"Remind me why we thought this was a good idea" Max asked the group, picking at her cuticles.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Because we're trying to lure in the benefactor. Pay attention."

"Okay so why are we killing Scott? Can't we just kill you?"

"Because! I'm not on the list and I'm human. Anyways, you're the highest on the damn list so it should be YOU" Stiles yelled into Max's ear.

"Bitch, I will strangle you. Right here. Right now. " Max threatened Stiles, "Besides as much as I would love to be a human sacrifice, I'm actually having a pretty good day which is kind of a new concept for me. So I'll pass" 

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