chapter two

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  Max's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. 

Melissa laid on the floor shrieking as a male -maybe around her age- dragged her around. 

His white shirt stained with what she could only assume was blood. Neither of them had noticed her and she stood there for a few moments, the fear not allowing her to move but as the man seemed to be winning, Max knew she had to do something. 

Getting help? 


Attacking a possible murderer, twice your size, with nothing but your bare hands? 

Now that seemed like a good plan in the strange mind of Max.

Stupidly, she stormed up to the two, "Hey asshole!"

Sean turned around to face her but only briefly acknowledged her appearance as her fist connected with his jaw and he stumbled backwards. 

Melissa quickly stood up and ran next to Max and grabbed her arm, slightly pulling her back. Max held her wrist with her other hand and shook it violently. 

"Why do they make it look easy in movies?" she winced.

Melissa looked at her for a second before diverting her attention back to the creature in front, who slowly stalked towards the two, cocking his head to the side. They slowly walked backwards, waiting for him to make a move. 

"Maybe if we just walk away and pretend it's not there, it'll be confused enough to question its presence and leave us alone" Max whispered loudly towards Melissa.

"What?!" Melissa exclaimed, at her ridiculous plan.

"Oh i'm sorry, I've never been hunted down by a demonic little BITCH before," she spat, gesturing towards the hungry-looking boy in front of them. Sean seemed to run out of patience as he broke into a sprint towards them.

 "I need food!" he growled.

Max stumbled backwards and nearly tripped as Melissa yanked her arm, urging them to run down the hallway. 

"There's a fucking vending machine downstairs!" Max screamed back as they ran down the eerie, empty hallways.

"He's a cannibal!" Melissa explained as Max's mouth formed into an "o" before she furrowed her brows again.

"Wait what?!"

"Just keep running!"

They turned down the hallway and stopped, panting as they hit a dead end. They jerked their heads back as Sean cornered them with a menacing grin. 

Melissa's mother instincts kicked in as she tried to pull Max behind her but the girl wouldn't budge. Instead she took a step forward and she glared at the crazed boy.

She raised her head slightly as her eyes flashed a dark shade of purple and the Wendigo in front of her slightly cowered before flaring its vicious set of teeth. 

Melissa's attention was caught above as the lights throughout the hallway flickered continuously, as did Sean. He growled at her, switching the weight between his feet before deciding to attack, in which he stormed at her. 

Max raised her hands, setting them in a defensive position, before a loud crash sounded. 

Instinctively she ducked, covering her head from spare specks of glass. She shot her head up as Melissa pulled her backwards, pressing their backs against the wall as someone attacked the Wendigo.

 This one's eyes flared a bright red.

 Sean quickly scurried away, obviously carrying injuries from the creatures impact. 

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