chapter fifteen

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"Do you ever shut up?" Max groaned, slamming her head against the back seat.

"Well you guys aren't answering my question!" Liam protested, "Is it a party?"

"It's not a party!" 

"Then what's at midnight?"

"Your bedtime" Stiles quipped, peering at the two in the back through the rear-view mirror. 

Liam leaned forward, elbows on knees as he impatiently waited for a realistic response and Max laid back with her legs sprawled across Liam's lap.

"Why aren't the girls going?"

"Hey, did you guys know that I happen to have a really big-" Max gleamed sarcastically before Stiles cut her off,

"-They're meeting us there, okay? And just stop asking questions, all right? It's a senior thing. You'll know when you're a senior."

"You guys having trouble with your phones?" Scott spoke up as he frantically tapped his phone screen. Max and Liam awkwardly shifted around as they simultaneously pulled their devices from the backs of their pockets.

"No service..." Max doubted as the jeep suddenly came to a halt, stuttering for a few moments before completely dying out.

"Oh, what the hell?" Stiles grumbled as he slammed his wheel with his palm out of exasperation.

"You out of gas?" Liam questioned, furrowing his brows.

"No, it's electrical. Probably the alternator again." Stiles mumbled as he pulled his keys out and opened his door, climbing out. Scott shot the two in the back an 'again?' look before following his best mate out.

Liam waited as he watched Scott met Stiles in the middle and helped him lift the hood, before turning back to Max.

"Now will you tell me what you guys are doing and why I can't come?" he whined, desperately.

Max opened her mouth to say something but immediately got shut down by Scott.

"Max, don't tell him anything!" Scott called out.

"Stupid werewolf hearing powers," Liam grumbled as he leaned back in her seat crossing his arms and pouting like a petty child.

"Sorry" the brunette girl shrugged, she fiddled with her jean jacket's sleeves out of boredom, completely ignoring Liam's staring.

"Why are you being so weird? Liam asked, suspiciously

"I'm not being weird," Max protested awkwardly and she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Yes you are. I haven't seen you or Stiles talk in over a week,"

"I- well...just because I don't talk to someone doesn't mean there's something weird going on. Besides it's Stiles, he's annoying."

"Yeah but-" Liam began.

"Do you feel that?" Max asked, her hand slightly hovering over the back of her neck. The small hairs pricked up touching her palm. Liam looked at her strangely before widening his eyes in realization.

The two slowly turned her necks to look out of Roscoe's rear window and instantly witnessed lightning strike the road a few meters away from the jeep.

"Uh Guys?" 

 It struck again, even closer and the two shot each a look, before panicking at an instant.


"Yeah, give us a second please," Stiles dismissed as he pulled off a other strand of duck tape with his mouth.

"Stay in the car," Scott instructed, mindlessly.

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