𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙩. 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No, but let's do it anyways," Max shrugged as she cautiously circled the tub of iced water. 

Over the course of the summer, Deaton had come up with a theory of how to communicate with the dead. It was quite similar to the process Scott, Allison and Stiles had followed when trying to find the Nemeton.

"Stiles and Isaac should be here soon," Scott said as he read the messages from his phone, "What did you say it looked like again?"

"It's a just a simple necklace with a pearl, I always keep it on my desk," Max groaned, wondering how incompetent someone would have to be to not notice a necklace that was literally just sitting there. Then again it was Stiles and Isaac.

"Okay, so what's the worse thing that could happen?" Liam asked nervously, biting on his thumb. He was equally as scared as he had been when they had to kill Scott to try and find the benefactor.

"You want me to answer that honestly?" Deaton asked with a raised brow in which Liam hesitantly nodded.

"Worst case scenario, Max's mind gets stuck in a endless void between the living and dead for eternity,"

"So like a coma?" Max asked, slightly nervous herself.

"Yes... except even after your body passes, your state of mind remains conscious forever. It's quite tortuous"

"You know, I don't know if this is such a good idea." Scott sighed, shaking his head, "Could you go over the procedure again?"

"Well, we need to hold Max under the water long enough so that her heart beat is slowed just enough to keep her alive. For all we know, it could take 5 minutes or even up to 3 days, it all depends on Max,"

Max nodded, understandingly, "Are Lydia and Malia coming?"

"No, Lydia's helping Malia cut her hair today, she wished you luck though"

"We're here! We made it!" Stiles wheezed as he ran right into the side of the doorframe. Isaac followed suit in a much slower pace, quite calmly. The brunette stumbled over to Max, plopping the necklace into her hand before sliding onto the floor, panting.

Max examined the necklace for a brief moment pulling unclipping the clasp and wrapping it on her neck.

"Now, you're sure that's your mother's?"

"Yep." Max mumbled as she pulled off her hoodie, leaving her in sweats and a plain tee. She walked over to the tub, gripping her fingers onto the sides. Her ptsd began kicking in as she recalled the last time she had been near a bathtub.

"You gonna be okay?" Stiles asked from the floor, looking up at her with soft eyes.

She turned around to look down at him, "I'll be fine..."

"Okay, now that everyone's here," Deaton announced, "All four of you are going to need to hold her down until I say stop. Max, it's gonna be hard but don't try to resist. It could end fatally for the rest of us. Nobody touches Max once she is unconscious, no matter the circumstances. Got it?"

Everyone nodded with a bundle of nerves each and Max carefully dipped her foot into the water. She gasped at how cold the water once, making Isaac smirk.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," he chuckled as Max put the other foot in. She grabbed the sides as she slowly lowered herself in, her breathes wavering from the chill. Once she sat in, she looked up at Liam with a small smile, attempting to calm his nerves and hers.

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