chapter sixteen

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(p.s- this is kind of a long chapter and uh i'm currently at the hospital so it might be a while before i update 🏃‍♀️)

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Max screamed as she threw her alarm clock across the room. She groaned and whined to herself out of desperation as she really wasn't prepared for the summer to be over.

First day of senior year.

She hated first days because it meant you actually had to try. Everyone would walk in with new hair, new clothes or a better version of them and brag about their glow-ups.

The only thing Max was about walk in with was new trauma.

Reluctantly, she threw her thick comforter off of herself and threw her legs over her bed. She winced when her feet touched the cold floor and stumbled into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she figured she should do something with her hair.

It was always easier when she kept it short but now it looked like a bird was about to swoop in and lay a few eggs on her hair. She barely brushed through it and used a clip to put it into a low messy bun and she headed back to her room to change into something presentable.

As badly as she craved to wear a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, she already knew the criticism she'd face from Lydia. So she threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a beige sweatshirt. As she changed, a giant bruise across her ribcage caught her eye.

She poked it even though it stung and realized it was from her fight with Belasko. She had a deep scar just under it, reminding her of the time Kate broke her ribcage. After poking at it a few more times just for the fun of it, she threw a shirt over her head, followed by the sweatshirt.

It seemed pretty basic but this was about the fanciest thing Max had worn in her life. Finally, she grabbed her backpack and sneakers and ran downstairs to have a quick breakfast before starting the long walk to school.


The day had gone by pretty smooth so far. Most of her teachers were nice and she shared a couple classes with the pack, but for the most part of it, she was on her own. She had taken a range of classes this year, still having no idea as to what career she wanted to pursue.

The only thing she could confirm was that anything involving sciences and medical crap was a big NO for her.

She strolled through the brightened hallways, mentally laughing at the freshmen who stumbled around lost.

"Hey!" Scott called out happily as he caught up next to her.


"What class do you have next?"

"Gym...with coach," Max muttered with a look of distaste.

"Oh... I had a free block and I thought we could do something," Scott shrugged.

If he was being honest, he had realized that unlike the rest of his pack members he didn't exactly have an emotional tie to Max. He figured some "friendly bonding" would do some good.


"Hey! You! You're coming with me!" Stiles rambled as he ran up to the two. He glanced over to Max, looking her up and down.

"Okay, you too then. Let's go!"

"I have a free block..." Scott sighed.

"So do i. So does Theo Raeken. Let's go,"

Max shrugged as she and Scott followed Stiles out.

"I thought you had class?"

"Well before Stiles interrupted me," she spat, sending Stiles a glare, "I was about to say I didn't mind skipping."

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