chapter one

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"Is that everyone?" 

Stiles collapsed onto the slightly damp grass, panting with his tongue out of his mouth. He flipped over onto his back, still wheezing as he squinted his eyes from the harsh sunlight.

 For a moment it was sort of peaceful, until his best friend's lopsided jaw popped into the scene and the boy let out an annoyed groan. 

Scott brought his arms down to wrap the waist of his dead-looking friend and effortlessly pulled him up.

"I got you."

"Who came in first?" Stiles managed to choke out as his best friend turned his head towards the blonde freshman, who was doing pushups on the grass at a rapid pace. 

Stiles narrowed his eyes to stare down at him, slightly amazed, "He isn't human! What is he? Like, a Werecheetah? Does that even exist? Is that a thing?"

Scott chuckled at his hyperactive friend's theories, "I think he's just good..." 

Stiles rolled his eyes at this, not completely convinced.

 "I'm going to puke. Take me somewhere," he waved off, unsure of whether he'd last the rest of tryouts.

As the tryouts continued, things weren't looking too great for the idiotic duo. Scott hadn't gotten a single goal and Stiles being Stiles, well...

On the other hand, Liam scored goal after goal, continuing to amaze coach, who never failed to 'praise' his fellow students. 

Stiles and Scott stood to the side, not so secretly gawking at the talented player, as they compromised a very skilled tactic to win...

"So, do you think there is any way you can use just, like, a little tiny bit of wolf power?" Stiles pleaded.

"It's cheating..."

"I know it is! It's just, I hate seeing this little freshman come in and steal all your glory after you worked your tushie off! I hate it!"

"He's not going to steal all the glory." Scott reassured, not actually sure of himself at all.

"McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks! You're covering goal for two-on-ones." Coach spat at his two "beloved" students and the two exchanged a quick glance before walking over to the field once more with a rather, new found confidence.

This time, things were looking a lot brighter for the duo. 

Each successful block after another, earned rare praises from coach, mostly directed towards Scott. 

Stiles and Scott ran into a celebratory chest bump but regretted it almost immediately, as Stiles fragile body flew backwards onto the ground. Although, the adrenaline pumping through his veins was enough to get him to bounce right back up.

The two almost instantly dropped into an intense mood as Liam was next in line, They were two boys, I mean 'men',  on a ridiculously, stupid mission... 

They side-eyed each other and confirmed with a firm nod as they reverted their attention to the "threat" ahead of them. 

Liam began to put on his helmet, keeping his blue eyes placed in front of him but until he was interrupted. He furiously turned to the side where a player stood, seeming to ask something. 

Scott and Stiles tried to make out what was happening because the firm look on Liam's face dropped into something of a smile as the player positioned themselves to face the two. 

Scott's head tilted slightly to the side in confusion, he couldn't quite tell who the player was through the thick helmet and couldn't see a resemblance to anyone he may have known. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud whistle as the player charged at them.

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