🌸Chapter 35🌸

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"You sure you want to do this?" "Yeah" "okay. I'm jus going to have to visit you every day" "or we can just schedule our appointments on the same days" "bet". Nova and I hugged and I got in my car. Nova, Tarris, Icon, Jay and Sin helped me move back to Charlotte. They loaded all my stuff into me and sinceres car. I'm moving cause I'm tired of him. Plus I'm going to be a single mom so I needa be close by family. I'm not saying that Malachi couldn't see his child even if he wanted to he'd jus have to do it on my time. Speaking of Malachi he did call me, text me , pop up on me. Nothing. I know I said it earlier in life but I'm saying it now and I mean it. I hate that nigga.

I'm back in mamas house until I'm on my own. I'm starting to work and I'm doing college online.

Malachi pov
I ain't talked to Naieigh no more after she blamed her pregnancy on me. Meechie becoming real distant but I need him with me. We been together since elementary. Ian tryna let him go nowhere. Him and Nova been keeping to themselves. Ion be talking to them unless I run into them somewhere. Jay, icon and Tarris been on my ass tryna 'help me put 2 and 2 together' but I already did. I'm not dumb tf. I'm betting she wanted to be like nova since she pregnant. Females always do that shit. She moved out the house but really I don't care. I been around Jude and my actual daughter Jalen. Ion know why Jade named her that shit. Turns out Jade had her 2 years ago and hid her cause ' I looked like I was doing good'. But honestly nawh. I wanted a family and Naieigh had the right timing tbh but the child not mines. I was getting tired of her. She started becoming distant and cheating I bet. That nigga she been cheating wit her child's real daddy I bet. I heard she moved and I honestly don't gaf. If it was really mines she woulda stayed. Tf i look like taking care of a kid that ain't mines.

Naieigh pov

School not as stressful and work not hard until this baby bump started coming in. It be hard tryna move around but I gotta make money somehow. Chris investing money in an apartment for me. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. I got more than 3000 in my bank I stole from Malachi. He tripping if he think I'm finna not take money when I ain't snitch🤣.

Me and Nova decided to do a combined baby shower. She doing a gender reveal but I'm just gon have the doctor tell me. Ma want a gender reveal but we ain't got money to waste on it. She saying we'll do it between us. (Her, Chris, me,sin, the twins ,jada) and everybody else close. We gon do the baby shower in May. We gon be 7 months and it's gon be pretty. We still planning it but yeah.

2 weeks later

I watched novas live as the balloons indicated they were having a boy. I squealed in excitement. I found out yesterday I was having a boy as well. Two boys. I bet Meechie happy.

The girls from the team text me everyday and the coach hears about me from the teammates. I hate not being there.

I still get texts from jay, icon and Tarris everyday too. They say shit tryna get me to talk to Khi but I'm not talking to his ignorant ass. Tf i look like. They swear they gon spoil the baby and all. Both of our babies.

Verse of the day

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.


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