✨Chapter 24✨

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"Hey ma" "hey baby how college?" "It's straight. I juss be d-" "yeah yeah. Where this boyfriend at?" "I don't have no boyfriend ma" "I be seeing y'all on ig. Why you ain't bring him?" "Ma. That's not my boyfriend" "so you just kissing up on random dudes" "yes" I looked down. "Why you lying. And I'm playing, bring him around when you ready" she playfully pushed my arm a little. "Anyways whatchu doing today?" I said sitting ona couch. "We going out to dinner" "oh. Tell Chris I said hey" "okay. N get chi feet off my damn couch". I took my feet off the couch and went to my room. "Ma. What happened in here?" "We fixed it up". It was just cleaner then usual. Nothing big.

"Ight na see you later" "okay baby. Call me when you get home safe" "mkay love you" "love you too"

Hour later
"Khi what size you wear" "why" "cause". He eventually told me his size and I called nova to get theirs and I bought the stuff and left.

"Hey" "wasgood. I forgot I gave you dat key" "I know" "meechie nova dem not here yet?" "You see em?" "Don't get smart Malachi" "Fix me den" "I'm tired of you" "im tired of you let's go to sleep den" "ughhh". I washed my hands and we started cooking.

"No bring me dat bag off da couch" "can I get in first" "my b hey hey meechie" "ik the fuck not" "yep" I threw nova and meechie the onesies I picked out earlier. "It's a bathroom over there". They went in the bathroom and changed. "Khi can I come in?" He opened the door. "Here" he took the onesie out my hand and watched me walk into the bathroom. "What I'm posed to do with this?" "Put it on" "I'm not wearing this" "yes you is. I went out and payed for it so you gon wear it" "nobody told you to buy it" "Ight Khi" I snatched da onesie from him and threw it across the room and continued to take off my pants. "I was juss playing so loose the attitude" he said pushing me up against the wall. I rolled my eyes. "Naieigh Marie roll yo eyes again and smack you" "smack me den" I said tryna get off the wall. "Wassup witcho attitude" "I don't have a attitude". I put some shorts on and walked out the room to finish cooking.
Hour later
"You made everybody put on a onesie and you ain't got yours on" "yeah where yours at?" I just continued cooking. "You don't hear nobody talking to you" "I gotta take a shower before I put my shit on ight" "make me fuck you up". He whispered in my ear. It made me wet but I just rolled my eyes and kept working. I eventually went to go get ready to shower.
"No excuse me?" I ain't say nothing. "Ima be right back". He followed me into the bathroom. "Dis about earlier? I told you I'm off it now" "it's nothing Malachi damn" I said pulling on my underwear as shorts. "Naieigh where tf you getting this animosity from?" He said grabbing my neck. I rolled my eyes again and pulled my bottoms from around my feet taking them off. "You trying me Marie". He picked me up and threw me on the bed and went to lock the door. I sat up and he came over an spread my legs and stuck a finger inside causing me to moan and fall back a little.
30 seconds later(yes ik I said 30 secs later)
"Khi I'm finna cum" he grabbed my neck and whispered in my ear "you better hold dat shit too. You wanna have a fucking attitude. I gotchu". That just made me wetter. Before he could stand back up I pulled his face in for a kiss.
"Malachi das like my... das like my 4th... Malachi". I guess saying that triggered him cause he got down and started eating.
7 mins later
He came up for a kiss and he kissed me. I was about to climb on top but he stopped me. "You done bring mad?" I shook my head. "Words naieigh" "yeah" he held his hands out and I grabbed it tryna stand up. "Don't tell me you can't walk off of 2 fingers". I just looked down tryna regain my strength. "You gon have some complications when she meet him then" he said throwing me over his shoulder. He put me on the sink and I started taking off my shirt and bra and then got down so I could get in the shower. I got in and he put my clothes in the dirty clothes basket and sat a towel ona sink. "You not getting in?" "Next time". He kissed my lips and walked out to finish cleaning.
I got out and put on lotion and the rest and put on my clothes and brushed my hair into a ponytail & did my edges.
"You finally done" "yeah". Nova and meechie gave us that look. "Y'all nasty" "and y'all did it while y'all had company. Y'all disgust me" "hush" "they just jealous" "I know". He smacked my but and we finished.

We ate, did facemaskes, meechie and Malachi smoked. We did tiktoks and other stuff. Nova and meechie slept on the couch and I slept w/ Malachi obviously.

Verse of the day

Meditate upon these thing; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.

vote y'all.

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