✨Chapter 17✨

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Naieigh pov
January 19th
I sat on the bench the whole game. I wasn't really that mad cause I knew it was gonna happen. The girls won though so i was proud of them.

"Hey ma" "hey malachi" "dis Raven". I looked down at this pretty little girl. She looked to be about 9 ish. "Hey raven" "hey" "this naieigh" "hey naieigh". I don't think she liked me. Malachi weirdly smiled. "Soo... what's da moves for today?" "I was gon take y'all ice skating but seeing das ona oops side of town and I got my jhit wimme we gon go to the movies" "Ight" he opened up the door for raven and closed it when she got in. "Don't mind her, she ain't used to her brother being loyal" he said grabbing my hips, bringing me closer to him. "It's fine. My brothers ain't nothing better" "so I can meet em?" "I'll see". He kissed my neck and opened the door for me and then shut it once my seatbelt was on and then got in his seat and we drove off.
We arrived at the movie theater and I got out and opened the door for raven. We met Malachi at the front of the car and we held hands walking in. "2 tickets for...?" This rude worker lady tryna seduce Malachi, acting like her ass don't see me. "3 cause ik you seen her and Space Jam" "here. Theater 12" she said while throwing the tickets towards me. "Bitch-" Malachi cut me off by pulling me away. "Let's go she ain't worth it". We walked to get some snacks and to the theaters.
30 mins in
"Naieigh I gotta pee" "come on" "where y'all goin" "she gotta pee" "oh. I'm setting my timer for 4 mins. Be back by then or ima assume one you kidnapped her or two somebody kidnapped y'all and ima air dis-" I cut him off by covering his mouth. "Hush nigga you gon get us put out" "fuck dem" "you need help" "help me then😏" "bye" "3 mins and 57 seconds. 56. 55. 54". Me and raven took off down the aisle.
"54 seconds left. I was finna air it out" "we get it boy" "oop" "I ain't ya boy raven Mackenzie. Get it right girl". Malachi rolled his neck. "I'm dead". We finished the movie and headed out. "Y'all are a pretty family" this old black woman said. "Actu-" "thanks".
We went to Malachi house and chilled with raven and the dog for the rest of the day until I left for class the next day.

January 21st
I basically been chilling with Khi, raven and snoopy(the dog) for the past couple of days. Raven still a little bitter but she warming up. Today really another chill day. After I came from practice I drove over to malachi house. We don't really be over at the trap like that anymore cause we got Raven.
I got to the door and walked straight in. "Almost got yo head blown off" "overreacting like always" "tell em raven". "Heeeyy snoopy" I love snoopy. He so sweet and he a chill dog. That's my dog now. I would steal him but Malachi overprotective about everything. "Huh snoopy" I reached in snoopy treat bag and gave him a treat. "Don't be giving my dog no treats" "he deserve it" "did you even feed him. Did he feed you today baby" I said getting low to rub snoopy. "You pay more attention to the dog than you do to me" "am I obligated to?" He rolled his eyes. "Why yo shoes ain't off in my house?" "Malachi" "don't malachi me". I took my shoes off, threw my bag on the couch and went to his bed with snoopy following behind. "Get off my bed- get get off" "don't do my baby like that" I said getting up to sit on the floor so snoopy could get in my lap. "Hey raven, how was school?" "It was good" she said smiling hard asab. "Who got you smi- who got you smiling that hard" I tried to whisper but Malachi heard. He snapped his head so quickly. "No mf body get fucked up mackenzie" "you can talk to me" she was about to open her mouth. "Later though. Not rn your ugly brother right here" "okay" "go finish your homework Mackenzie" She walked out and Malachi let out a deep sigh. "What's wrong. Whatchu mad for Malachi" I said cradling him "cause you sitting right here tryna encourage her behavior" "boy every little girl wanted or had a lih boyfriend before" "bruh naieigh she's nine" "and I was 2 weeks when I had my first" "get out my face". I got up off him and he pulled me back on him. "Nawh it's get off you right" "mchtt". I got off him and sat on the bed. "Raven" "yes" "I'm coming" "don't get fucked up naieigh" "chill ya balls Malachi". I got up and walked in ravens room. "What kinda pizza you want?" "Cheese". I ordered the pizza and turned my phone off. "Soooooo what's his name?" "Cam" "ooohhh. What lih can be doing? He be buying you stuff treat-" "getcho ass ina room" "malachiiii" "Malachi my ass. Cam. When I find cam ima fuck ole buddy up".

"Naieigh can we go to the store?" "You sure your brother gon be okay with dat" "he is. Plus he in the shower and it ain't gonna take long. I just want some soda and candy". I fell like we was close enough so I took her. "Go put a jacket and some shoes on". Knock knock. "Malachi I be right back" "where you goin?" "To the store" "Ight". He picked his lips out for a kiss.

Malachi pov
I got out the shower listening for raven since naieigh went to the store. I ain't hear nothing. "Ray ray. Raven" no answer. I went and looked in her room. She was gone and so was naieigh book bag. I got mad. I grabbed my gun and headed to the car.

Naieigh pov.
Me and Raven left the store pulling up to Malachis house. I seen him with his gun about to get in his car. " Malachi what ha-" "shut the fuck up naieigh" he held the gun to my head. "What did i do" I was too scared to move so I stood there. I felt my eyes tearing up. "Where the fuck you took my sister?" "I told you we was going to the store" "THERE WAS NO WE. YOU SAID YOU" "okay malachi put the gun down". "Don't tell me shit" "Malachi put the gun down please. You're scaring me" "be scared. That'll teach you not to run away with people siblings". "Bruh. Malachi I wasn't gonna take her. You act like I was gonna kidnapped her". "You could've" "BUT BRUH MALACHI I DIDNT" "pow" Malachi shot at my foot, missing on purpose. I looked at Malachi in his eyes and he looked to not gaf. I looked over at Raven who was scared shook, yellin and crying. "Raven take yo ass upstairs and pack you shit". She grabbed my leg but Malachi pulled her off. At this point tears were running down my face. Malachi moved the gun and I put my hands down and backed up. I covered my face trying to wipe my face then I heard a cock and then heat on my left foot. My phone fell out my hand and I fell to the ground and raven ran to me. Malachi snatched her up and pushed her towards the appts. I eventually got up and stared at Malachi in disbelief. I hopped toward the car and drove away from the appts. After I got to the gas station I called nova and explained and she was on the way. While I was waiting this man about 22 ish wrapped up my foot with his shirt. When nova pulled up she and Ali got out the car.
"Bitch what the fuck happened". I couldn't say nothing. I was in both disbelief and pain. Nova and Ali put me in the passenger seat. Nova drove my car and Ali drove novas. We drove to the nearest hospital. "Hey y'all get a wheelchair out here" "hey" "hey. Wheelchair bitch" "I know y'all see her bleeding. move fucking faster". Ali and nova continued cussing out the nurses been once they had me in the wheelchair.

I sat in the room all by myself. Nobody was there. They had to export nova and Ali asses out the hospital. Nobody but me and the tv. The doctor told me the bullet was minor and I'll be back to normal in three weeks. Almost a month. That means I'll miss 3 fucking games and we only got 5 more left in the season. Fucking Malachi. I cried myself to sleep that night. I did nothing to him. Raven was like a little sister, if i was to kidnap her I'm pretty sure I'd bring her back.

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