Chapter 39🌸

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"You can put that stuff in da room to the right". Khi grabbed da boxes and put them in the room and went in and out bringing all the gifts and stuff in from the parking garage downstairs while Nai got out of her dress and into a large t- shirt.

"This a nice ass apartment Nai" "thank you. You want some water?"  Khi nodded and I tossed him the bottle. 

"I'm finna get in the shower. If you leave before I get out make sure my food got here first. Tips on the counter". "Yes ma'am". I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the shower.

After the shower

"My food here ye-. Is that my damn food Malachi?" "No" "Khi. You eating my damn food. Since when we do that?" "You ate my food" "IM PREGNANT KHI" "you ain't gotta yell" "I do cause you eating my damn food. And you still eating it in my face" "my-&" "it don't even matter dawg. Go get me some more" I said tossing him his shoes. "Damn. Ion een know what this is" "look at the receipt Khi. Bye". I gave him the receipt then pushed him out the door and crawled into my bed.

5 mins later
FaceTime call from Babydaddy🤦🏾‍♀️
"What Khi" "come ride wimme. Ion know where or what I'm doing" "omfg Khi. Ion een want it no more. I'll eat leftovers" "Nah come on". I hung up and threw on some shorts and put on my slides and went downstairs.

"Where yo clothes?" "Ian getting out so it really don't matter". Khi shrugged and I got in and he started driving.

"Where we going?" "Dragon buffet?" "I said ion want that nomore khi" "so whatchu want" "I said I'll have leftovers" "mchtt".

"pull into bogangles over there" "I thought you ain't want nothing" "you asked me not him" "true true".

He pulled into bogangles and we ordered them we went to the gas station and got some snacks then went back home.

"Hurry up I gotta pee" "this ain't my house why you got me unlocking the door?" "Just open the damn door khi". He opened it and I rushed in to pee.

"Khi I know you not eating my food again" "I'm not. It was just a fry". I took the nearest thing which was a book and threw it at him then sat at the tables Nd ate.
"Damn" "what's wrong?" "Nothing". I grabbed my stomach and continued eating. After I got done I put the spoon in the sink and sat on the counter groaning in pain. "You good Nai?" "Yeah I'm fine" "so why you lookin like you finna go in labor?" "I look that exaggerated?" "Lowkey. You cool though" "yeah. He's just kicking a lot. Finna break mommy stomach" I said rubbing my stomach.
Khi came over and stood between my legs in front of the counter and rubbed my stomach making the baby kick more.
"Stop he kicking more" "I bet. He feel his daddy right here". I pushed his hand away but he put it back in one spot and waited for the baby to kick where his hand was. "He not even kicking nomore. Momma wanna be mean. You made him mad marie" "Malachi please. All I did was make you stop rubbing on him" "exactly. Which made him mad" "whatever. I'm going to sleep". I gave him a cover and pillow and sat it on the couch so he could go get in the shower.

45 mins later
"Nai you got a extra toothbrush?". I got up and got him a extra toothbrush. "Thank you". He said walking out the door but I called him back in. "Come here". He came and I put his hands on my stomach so he could feel the baby kick. He started smiling wide asf.
"Y you smiling so hard? Acting like you ain't never felt him kick before" "hush. You gon ruin the moment". I mushed his head lightly and finish letting him smile and feel him kick.

"You thought of a name yet?" "Nope. Only got ny'mir". "Middle name?" "That's what im thinking" "what about malik?" "That's too close to your name" "what's wrong with my name?" "Nothing. I just don't want it to piggy back off of yours yfm". He cocked his head at me. "what?" "Since when you start saying that?" "What?" "Yfm" "I been saying that" "no you didn't. Taking my slang and shit okay" "ain't nobody taking you shit khi" "see look. Why you gotta be so aggressive" "cause" I said leaning over to fart. "You stank" "that wasn't me. That's yo stanking ass child. Smelling just like yo ugly ass daddy" "I wasn't ugly when-" "awee shut up. We don't care" I said blushing and remembering the old times.

"Speaking of daddy. How you and yo father" "we cool. He think we is" "and..?" He sat on the bed getting comfortable and I waited on him to respond while getting comfortable on the dresser.
"And..?" "Ion even know. I feel like he only wanna hop back in our lives cause of ma" "well isn't that a good thing" "...". Khi went on talking about him and his fathers relationship and I listened and gave advice.

"I just don't like how he is. Putting on acts and shit" "what acts" "you seen how he was acting today at the shower with ma and then talking about 'this my grandsons party" "well one you ever think about how he is around ya moms when they inside doors. What if he actually making her happy. Like genuinely happy. When's the last time you seen her smile with a nigga" "that shit don't fucking matter. She don't need no nigga. Never did" "I'm glad you know that. Now what if she wants one". He put his head down and sighs deeply. "Okay then". We sat in silence for a few seconds with only the tv in the back.

"Atleast he gets the biological grandpa on your side and not no nigga ma jus met at Harvey's" "like you said. You want her to be happy right?" "And I do but it's just- nothing nevermind". I got up and went in the bathroom to wipe my tears before they could fall. "It's just what Nai" "nothing. We was talking bout your dad not mines" "we done with my dad so let's talk about y-!" "It's coo. Goodnight Malachi". I directed him out the door and got in my bed and cried myself to sleep.

3:47 am
"Nai I'm sorry" "for?" "Talking about my dad knowing yours was gone" "khi i said it's cool" "it's not really" "it is khi" "so why you crying?" "I'm not" "yo eyes red" "I was rubbing em". He smacked his teeth and pulled me into a long hug. I then pulled away then went back to sleep. That hug lightened me a bit.

Next day

" morning" "good morning. What's yo plans for today" "nothing. Hit the gym. Tryna make sure my snap back gon be straight" "lmao for what?" "Just so my SnapBack can be straight..." "but why?" "Omg khi. Just cause I want too. Whatchu doing today and when you getting out my house?" "Damn. You ready for me to go already?" "Lowkey. Wanna be closer to yo son, get a house down here. You far from broke" "mchtt. You wrong" "you act like when and if I do move back up there you'd let me back in" "one I never put you out. You did that your damn self" "but why I do it?" "Leave it alone. We cool rn. Let's leave it at that" "thought so. I'm cooking breakfast whatchu want?" "Whatever you cook." "Cool". I went to get in the shower and then grabbed my stuff and headed out.

"You finna go to the store" "yeah" "can I come?" "Did you even wash yo ass?" "I did while you was in the shower" "oh. Come on then". I grabbed his keys and walked out to his car. "Im driving?" "No. I am?" I smiled at him with pleading eyes and he gave in and let me drive his sports car. I got happy. I ain't drive his car ina while.

When I got in the seat I seen a picture of me, raven and snoopy at a park. I almost cried seeing him. I miss him so much. Khi seen me about to cry and took the picture out of my eyesight.

I drove to Walmart and we went in and got what we needed for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner" then went back to my place and started cooking.

"Ima be out by tonight okay" "whatchu mean?" "I'm going back up tonight" "yk I was playing earlier right?" "Yeah but you want yo space ina give it to you" "i was playing" "I get that. I'm still leaving though" "why you can't jus leave when I go up there" "when you going up there?" "Next month. Yk my doctor appointments down there" "oh nah. That's too long" "damn I'm that bad?" "No". I shrugged and continued watching the movie and Khi sat down and watched it with me.

7 sum
"Be Sade onnat rode Malachi and don't do nothing stupid". I waved as he drove off. As soon as he got out of eye sight I got in the shower and walked around naked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ verse of the day

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