✨Chapter 4✨(un edited)

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I lied it's gon get good good around chapter 5 ish. Don't quote me on this. These chapters is the back story.


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Friday April 28th

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Friday April 28th

"Nai Nai Nai Nai Nai Nai ... Naiiiiiiiii" I heard my cousin jazzy calling me. "bruh wtf you want sounding like ah robot an shit" jazzy laughed buh I was deadass. "Auntie told me to wake you up don't be getting mad at me" she still has that smirk on her face. "Ight I'm up" she smiled and left. I went right back to sleep, well tried. That was my only good sleep I got every other time I tried I just end up overthinking and tears would slip. I know it hurts but I got to put up a guard cause I hate when people see me on my sap shit.

It was about 3:30 ish and my door bussed wide open making me jump outta my sleep. "Didn't jazzy tell you to get up". She semi yelled and hitting me with the belt. I sat up and frowned and she started laughing. "Girl get up and get ready for the day, or what you have left of it since you wanna sleep all day". I looked at her and she smirked and started laughing "you shoulda seen yo face". I started getting irritated cause everybody acting like daddy just didn't die.

I went to do my daily routine and put on my fit and came out and Sin and jazzy yanni tj and the twins was on my bed. "Why it be taking you so long?" Nyquez asked. "Cause her ass stank" Sin said and I hit him. "Stop playing on my top" i told him. "Mchtt". "What y'all want anyways?" I asked them "we finna head out" jazzy said. "Oh where y'all goin?". "WE going to get sum to eat " Sin said. "who is we ?" I asked cause i ain't agree to go nowhere.
sin~ "go put on some clothes so we can go"
nai ~"mchtt"
Nyquez~ "I got Nigel, jazzy and tj"
Sin~ "why yhu leaving me with these crazy girls" "at least switch yanni for fake dick. jazzy coo yanni talk to much"
Nigel~ that's exactly why we taking her *blows raspberry*
Yanni~ one I do not talk to much and two jazzy not as lit as me so...
Jazzy~ Sincere don't come for me and my "fake dick" cause yo girl be loving it
Sin~ When you find her lemme kno
Sin and tj started laughing and they dapped hands
Nai~ ight lets get this done n over with
Twins~ where yhu goin lookin like that
Nai~ To chick fil a right Sin
Sin~ yeah i guess

Everybody got up and went to the three separate cars. Ma, auntie and uncle was in the other cars. They drove to the mall. Everybody went in and met up with my auntie and uncle at the food court.

Ma~ "meet back here in 2 hours. Y'all know what y'all here for right?"
*everybody shook their heads except me I knew what she was talking about but I didn't wanna go sad so I just waited until everybody started backing away*.

Sin~ where we going to first
Me~ It don't matter
Sin~ ight Zumiez it is
* we went into zumiez and he shopped for abt 15 mins. We went to all type of different stores and he got stuff and I got small stuff cause I didn't wanna buy anything that was gonna make me sad•

2 hours passed by and we met everybody at the foodcourt. We ate and ma had gave me the new phone she bought me since I broke my other one. We then went home and Sin called his mama and told her he was staying. She was fine with that we was alway at eachother house anyways. We took showers and the boys was on the games until night time and sin slept on my floor and yanni was at the bottom of my bed.

Saturday April 29th
Naieighs POV

The next day I was going through my closet trying to look for something to wear to daddy's funeral but I couldn't find anything and I started to get frustrated.

Sin~ what's wrong
Nai~ i can't find anything to wear
Sin~ you got hella clothes plus we just going to the boardwalk
*I looked at him like he was stupid*
Sin~ ohhh. Why yhu ain't get nothing while we was the mall yesterday.
Nai~ cause I didn't find anything I knew he would like
Sin~ mchtt allem stores we was in and you ain't find nothing.
*I looked at him like a lost puppy. He always falls for it. *
Sin~ mchtt cmon man lets go
^told you^
•we left the house and went to Dillard's. *they dresses be pretty asf idc idc*•
We got two dresses I was satisfied with but I couldn't choose. We met ma auntie yanni at the nail salon and uncle took the boys and jazzy to get their haircuts. Then we all went to the boardwalk and then me and Sin got chineses and went to his house. I couldn't sleep that night cause I kept thinking about daddy.

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