🌸Chapter 36🌸

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"Nova baby you bring hella complicated. Yellow or green?" "Naieigh they both pretty colors. Can't we do both" "nooo nova" "fine green" "nah we gon do yellow" "Nai now you being complicated" "it's the baby. He making me like this. We hungry" "we'll eat after the appointment" "on you tho. Where Meechie" "he gon come later on" "oh".

"He gotta head like his daddy Nai" "what daddy. He ain't got one" "you know he gon have to talk to him eventually right" "excuse me doc but fuck him Nova" "mhm hmm" "don't mhm hmm me" "anyways. You ready to go". I gave her the look. She was lowkey rushing the doctor. "You guys can go now". I got up and adjusted my shirt over my belly and followed Nova out.

"Meechie gon meet us at Denny's" "Denny's??" "Why what's wrong, y'all don't like Denny's nomore" "he's making us this way" I said pointing to my son in my stomach. "But it's straight. If that's what y'all like then let's go. He needs quit being selfish. You pregnant too". Nova shook her head and crunk up the car. We drove her car, my car was at her house.

We ate at Denny's then we chilled at nova house and then I drove home.

4 days later

Malachi pov

"Lemme get... dat one". The cashier got the wood, rang it up and Malachi paid for it. "Preciate it". He nodded toward the man and walked out the gas station.

"Wasgood Khi" "wassup witchu" "shit nun how you been. How you and ya girl doing? Congrats on the baby" "we ain't together nomore" "damn what happened" "ain't my baby" "she posted the ultrasound. That baby got yo nose" "not mines. It's other niggas dat got the same nose as me" "true true" "aye ima catch up witchu later chino" "Ight ghee". He dapped the man up and got on the car and drove to tarris n dem house.

"It's me nigga open up" "damn I was coming" "well yo ass ain't come fast enough" "shut up nigga" "aye tho. You seen Nai new post?" "Fuck i wanna hear about her fo" "you needa chill yo angry ass down. Been mad ever since you found out Jalen wasn't yours" "why wouldn't I be" "ik who is yours tho". Jay tossed me his phone with the picture of Nais ultrasound. "Dat nigga look just like you" "I don't see it" "lemme see". Khi tossed the phone to Tarris. "Yes tf he do dawg" " I'm saying. Dey got da same nose shape and all" "man whatever". Malachi took the wood from his ear and started to roll up.

"Yo you sleeping here tonight or.." "yeah. Ion feel like driving home". Tarris threw him a cover and he took his shit off and fell asleep studying the picture of the ultrasound.

Next day
"Why you leaving so early?" "I got sum to do". Malachi went home, took a shower and went to his mama house.

"Ma where you at?" "Minding my business  why?" "You not at home" "I don't have to be. Malachi don't run me" "I do though when I pay bills for that house" "and I did the same for 18 years. Now whatchu want boy" "I just wanted to be with my ma. Whatchu doing" "come meet me at target. Bring gas cause I'm running low". Malachi got in his car and drove to get gas then to meet his mom.

"Why you bring this car anyways ma, you know this be running out of gas fast" "cause I wanted to show Ray" "my father" "yes yo bitch ass father" "he back in town" "yeah. I love you boy. My house in 2 hrs okay?"  And with that Ms. Tisha left and drove off.

"Where Raven. And what's all this shit for" "watch yo mouth and Raven is where you should be" "hey Malachi". I looked at ma and she mouthed something at me. "Hey Ray". Ma popped me on my shoulder. "Father. That's your father" "uhm. Anyways where Raven" "where you should be" "where should I be" Malachi asked in confusion. "Getcho feet off my damn table" "my b". He reached for a bag but got popped. "Stop touching shit" "what this for" "our grandbaby ofc" "ma gonhead with that bullshit" "I don't know why you keep denying it. That's your son. Look" "I already seen" "so you seen that little boy look just like you" "I know" he said burying his head in his hands. "If you know that's your son you need to get down there. Not after the baby shower. Now" "I can't just pop on her" "so don't. Smooth up on her or whatever y'all say" "That's no where near what we say ma" " I don't care" "so that's where Raven is?" "Yep and where you needa be" "when the baby shower?" "In 2 days" "oh. Well ima head out" "if you not at that baby shower ima kick yo ass" " I know ma". He hugged his mom and took off down the highway".

Same day Naieigh pov
"Where you going Nai" "bout my business. Come on Ray". I grabbed Ravens hand and we walked out the store. I tried to get her to walk faster but she was deep into her phone. It was prolly ah luh boy and you do whatchu gotta do to get some love so i let her be.

Raven pov
"Where y'all headed to now?" "Dollar tree" "Ight ima call you back when I touch down" "Ight. Love you" "love you too". "Why you so happy Ray. What lil boy texting yo phone?" "Chris". I had to think of a lie. And quick. "You and Chris still be talking?" I nodded. "Damn I'm jealous. I needa relationship like that". I smiled and she continued driving.

1 hr later

"Y'all still driving? Where y'all going to?" "You here?" "In Charlotte yeah. Where y'all going now?" "We pulling into Bogangles . Then we going to Walmart " "oh. Which Walmart?" "Off Wilkinson" "Ight. Ima lil too far away. When y'all get there hold her off" "okay". They hung up and Raven continued with the plan.

Naieigh pov

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick" "gimme a second I can come witchu" "Nah it's cool". I walked Raven to the corner then went to the fruit aisle not paying attention cause I was in my phone too.

"Gawd damn. Mfs can't even say excuse me" "nigga fuck you, you-." "Naieigh??" I looked up to see the greatest.. Malachi Greeves. I laughed evilly while grabbing the grapes and getting my shit and getting tf on. "Yo Nai". I turned around and stuck up my middle finger and kept walking. He grabbed me and I screamed and this man pushed him away from me. "Yo Nai. I just wanna talk" "fuck you". At this point I was just mad asf. Messed up my whole mood. I went to the check out area, checked out and texted Raven I was at the car. She came out like 7 mins later with some bags full of candy and with Malachi. "Ray get in so we can go". She got in but Malachi told her to go wait in his car so she did.

"Nai jus let me talk to you" "about?" "Everything" "there is no everything". He made a face then pointed to my stomach. "Oh him..?" "Yeah" "don't worry bout it. He ain't yours remember?" "Nai i was off day" "naieigh. And idc nomore. We straight w/o you" "no y'all not". I mugged the shit outta him cause fuck I need his ass fo. "My b. Y'all don't need me. I jus want my family" "so go be with that bitch Jude" "jalen wasn't mines" "what that gotta do wimme and if she was yours would you be right here right now?" ".. yeah" "no tf you wouldn't. Bring me Raven, we got shit to do" "Ight so let me go too" "yo Khi. Please gtf outta my face". He got in the car and sat down. "YO PLEASE GET TF OUT MY CAR KHI" "whatchu gotta be yelling fo" "cause you making me mad". It was true, he making me mad and this baby kicking ts outta my stomach. "Bruh go please" I said rubbing my stomach. "You straight?" "When you gtf out i will be" "so you really gonna keep me away from my son" "so now he's your son". He nodded. "Bruh fuck you. Get tf out" "Nai- naieigh". I got out and waved for Raven to come on. "Nai" "please khi damn" I said leaning over the seat cause the baby was killing my back and kicking the shit outta me. I heard his footsteps leave them some come closer and then some hands touched my back and stomach. I swiped Khi hands off me but he just put em back and kept rubbing. "Move". It felt good but I ain't want him near me. He kept rubbing and the kicking chilled. "Thats enough". I got in and Raven was already in her seatbelt. I put on mines and Khi shut the door. "Ima call you" "fuck you Khi" "..I love you too". I put the middle finger up, rolled my window up and drove off and went home. To my new house. Apartment really but it's big and beautiful asf.

"Ray why you so quiet. You straight?" "Yeah" "Ight. If you need anything come get me. My bed always open if you scared in here" "kay. Goodnight" "Goodnight hunny".

Raven pov
"What she doing?" "All I'm hearing is 'i want you to staaayy" raven said attempting to sound like Rihanna. "It's cool. Lemme kno if she get outta hand" "I'm not in her room" "didn't tell you to" "ion really have to do none of this for you anyways" "you want us to be together right?" "Yeah" "exactly. Nor get off my phone. I love you gn" "gn"


Verse of the day

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


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