✨Chapter 25✨

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February 12th

Today was our last game of the year. Ma and the twins, Sin and Nova meechie- the crew and ms. Tisha and raven showed up so I had so much support. My ankle been acting up every once ina while but it's coo.
After the game
"Yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" we ran into the locker rooms celebrating our dub. We won 79-47. "Aye jt you did yo thing out there baybee" "awe nah freshman dat was you" "all y'all did y'all things out there". Coach started playing Hot by Young thug and we formed a dance circle. "Ayeee go bre go Bree. Ayee" "next" "go keira go Keira" "next" "...". We continued the dance circle and played music while they ran showers. I don't ever take showers in the locker rooms cause I feel that's unsanitary. I put on some slight clothes and walked out to meet da crew.
"You did yo thing out there" "don't i always" "hey sin" i hugged sin and Malachi looked at me funny. I shook it off cause no. We talked and walked to the car and I went to the dorm to change and we would all meet back up at Ms. Tisha house.
"Khi you coming with me or...?" "Ima follow you" "okay". I got in the car and drove to the dorm getting out with Malachi following.
As soon as I opened the door, I was on the floor. I tripped over the stuff I left everywhere earlier looking for my socks. I got up embarrassed and took off my hoodie and sat in the dirty clothes. I went over to grab some clothes but Malachi stopped me. "No attitude today?" "No. I'm in a good mood" I said back taking off my pants. "Damn I wanted to fix you today. I was hungry" "maybe next time" "I ain't ate in days tho" "maybe I'm hungry too tho" I said walking towards him playing with his belt. "Okay. So let's go get some food. Ain't finna allow you to do that shit". I sucked my teeth and walked into the bathroom pulling off my shirt and spandex. "Was dat attitude I just seen" he said lifting me onto the bathroom sink. "Maybe". I said staring into his eyes biting my lip. He grabbed my thighs pulling me closer to him and we kissed. He left hickeys on my neck and a few on my chest. I was finna allow him to take it but he stopped himself. "Come on we gotta leave in about 30 mins". I sucked my teeth and got down. He shut the door behind him.

"You finally done. Peoples been calling yo phone" "my b. dat water felt good ash. I almost went to sleep" "I bet. Slow ass. Dis whatchu wearing?" "Yup". I grabbed my clothes from Malachi and put them on.

12 mins later
"Yo car or mines?" "Mines". We hopped in Khis car and headed to Ms. Tisha house.
"They here" "we see dummy". We talked for hours, everybody getting to know everybody.

Me and Malachi drove back to the dorms and I started packing while he payed on my bed. "So you really finna leave me" "Malachi you gon be fine" "not really. Cause now I gotta spend my birthday with my family" "what's wrong with that?" "I ain't saying it's something wrong with it. I'm just saying I'd rather spend it with you" "SIMP" "okay and". He pulled me onto his lap and we sat there talking. "We still swinging by the trap before you go?" "Yeah let's go rn". We grabbed our stuff and left. I put my suitcase and everything I was taking back to Charlotte in my car and locked it before I hopped in his.

"Hey y'all" "hey y'all" jay mimicked me. "Jay I don't like you rn" "oh. Is that surprising?" I threw a bullet at his head. "You ain't to be around me. Psycho" "hugs and kisses Javariyon. Hugs and kisses". Malachi sat down and I sat on his lap. Icon stared at us. "Y'all been fucking huh?" Y'all been fucking. Y'all some nasty mfs" "bruh nobody been fucking. And if we was why you in our business" "yeah y'all been fucking" jay said. They started dapping each other up and laughing. "What's funny?" Meechie said. "Dey been fucking" "and" "don't make me get on y'all. Yeah y'all mfs fuck every 30 seconds" "like we ain't just hear nova in there talm bout some oh meechie too fast" "bruh shyt the fuck up. Back to y'all though. When my bsf start getting dick?" Nova said. I just turned around to look at Malachi and he just shrugged it off so I did the same. "Wait look back that way" I looked back to the left before I realized what he was talking bout. "Thassa hickey. Now we know fashoo y'all be fucking". "Why y'all so obsessed with somebody fucking?" "Nova". I looked at nova then we looked at icon and he was quiet asf. "Yeah come again". Me and nova bussed our laughing.

"Anyways. We going on a baecation on Valentine's Day" "to where?" "A cabin. It's pretty" nova showed me the picture. Meechie nudged me. I turned around and faced him. "Ima be outta town and you know this" "yeah ik" "We can go another time" "yeah". I kissed his lips and got up cause I gotta get down the highway. He drove me to my car

"Just incase I don't get back in time" I kissed his lips. "Ight see you later" I pulled off and went back to clt.

February 14th

I went into insta cause my phone was blowing us. It was just random people tagging me in something so I ignored it until I figured out it was the same thing so I looked at it.

(use yo imagination)

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(use yo imagination)

I FaceTimed him. "Malachi" "yess" "happy birthday baby" "don't happy birthday me" "oohh you salty". We continued to talk until I hung up. "Ight gimme kiss thru the phone" "juss me thru the phone" I started singing that song then I kissed the camera and hung up.

Verse of the day

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.


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