✨Chapter 1✨(not edited)

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"Dad can we get this one?" Uhn uhn but you can get the bigger one. the one you've always wanted the one you've been showing me and your mama, the brownskin one that looks like you. with the big curly hair, skin like chocolate and very very beautiful. "but dad everybody got the lightskin one, i don't want that one anymore". why? because-. 5 year old Naieigh started to pout. is it because you want to fit in Naieigh? "yes daddy, i want to be like everyone else" *crack* Naieigh's dad dropped to his knees to where he was eye level to his daughter. Listen to me Nai, I'm gonna make this short cause my knees are going old, you heard that crack? They both bust out laughing. "Okay listen I know your skin ain't like everybody's. Everybody has different skin tones. Your skin is very beautiful, most people want your skin. And I know kids pick on you about it but you have to ignore it people are gonna say whatever to bring you down, you have to stay strong and keep pushing and don't you ever quit. Don't you ever let kids or anybody get to you because you wanna know why? "why?" Because you're a Jackson. Us Jackson's are strong and can't nobody tear us down. Not me not your brother's not your uncles not your aunts not your cousins not even your precious ole mama. I know she sweet but that woman something else. Naieigh looked at her dad confused. "Your mamas strong and can't nobody tear her down and that's why I love her. "But mamas not a jackson". "Yet" Naieighs father hinted to her. Naieigh just smiled. She'd heard many stories about how her friends parents got married and she was knew what was gonna happen soon. So get this one, cherish it and cherish yourself too and take care of it and take care of yourself too and love it and lo- " love myself too dad i get it" Okay now princess don't get smart. They both laughed and laughed even harder when her dad tried to get off the floor. "Ice cream before we head home?" He asked Naieigh. "Only if we get some Chinese food to take home for mama and my brothers" Naieigh said. "Okay well grab some". He just smiled cause she was so young and caring and kindhearted just like her mother. He knew she was gonna grow up to be strong and independent too.

They arrived at the Ice cream place and got ice cream and got the ice cream. They spent time eating and having a good time. Then headed out to get the Chinese food as promised and went home to give to everybody else. Baths were tooken and bonnets and durags were being put on. It was night time. "I love you guys" their mama said and she kissed their foreheads. Then dad came in and gave daps and kisses to everybody and individual "I love you". Like always he wanted to be different from ma, but mom always winning. When he got to naieigh he gave her hug and forehead kiss. "Goodnight princess" "Goodnight daddy i love you" she said in return "I love you too princess and remember what i said today". He got up and walked out blowing kisses to everybody but then her mom jumped on his back so she could blow the last kissed for the night. Everybody laughed. Naieigh loved her family. So much she did.
Flashback over...

Wednesday April 27th

Naieigh pov 16 yrs old

I sat on the chair and my phone dropped to the floor and broke. A tear rolled down my face. All the good things about my dad came flooding my mind. I couldn't think. I didn't know what to do. I heard my name being called but i felt as if i couldn't move, i was stuck. I snapped out of it and the whole cafeteria was looking at me. I got up and tried to walk out of the cafeteria but the Mr. Scouten my enemy teacher, everyone's most hated teacher was in my way blocking me so i couldn't get out and he was making a fool out of me. I asked him nicely to please move but he didn't he seen the tears so that made him think and act tougher and he started getting bold and doing small irritable things so the tears went from sadness to rage. I took a kids lunch tray and hit him in the head and kicked his knee n he fell to the ground. I felt a hand grab me but it only made me more upset. I took a milk and threw it at his face and was about to kick him but I felt strong arms grab me. I started hitting the persons back and once we were far away enough from the situation he put me down and I could hear Mr. Scouten calling me a bitch and all other types of name and i started to walk back over there but the arms grabbed me again. I looked and seen it was Sincere. My boy bestie. He handed me my phone and I took it and threw it at him and walked away. "Naieigh where you going?" he asked but i just kept walking. I walked down the hallways with Sincere hot on my tail until I seen my brothers and we all group hugged and cried. Sincere was lost but he knew it had something to do with all of us so he asked my brother and he ain't say nothing. We all walked out and sincere was still behind us tryna figure out what happened. We drove off and sincere was walking to his car.

Sincere POV

"Nai.... aye Nai you good? Nai". I kept calling her name buh she was frozen. I watched her get up and walk out but of course Mr. Scouten ass was being a bitch. She said something but I didn't hear it cause i was still sitting down and people was starting to get rowdy. Then i watched Nai do that look i ain't seen in years and I knew she was about to go off and so did everybody else. Everybody formed somewhat of a circle so the could see the show. I seen a tray fly and I knew it was her. I tried to get through but I only got as close to her arm before I was pushed back. I heard grunting so I knew she had hit him or something so I had to get up there I couldn't let her get suspended she on the way to nice hbcus with good dorms, athletic scholarships and academic scholarships so I need to stop her. When I got up there she put milk on that man face💀🤦🏾‍♂️. I grabbed her and she was hitting me. I ain't even do nothing. I put her down and bitch ass was still over there running at his mouth. Shit made me mad but on Naieigh face, i could tell she was finna explode. I grabbed her and handed her her phone n she threw it at me. I asked her where she was going and she ain't answer me so I followed her. She met up with the twins so they was crying too so I'm guessing something bad happened. I followed them to their car n then I got in mines and followed them to the hospital. I was lost asf. They got out so quick I don't even know where they went. I went in and didn't see them so I sat in the waiting room and texted her phone but then started feeling dumb cause it was broke. Better yet it was in my pocket🤦🏾‍♂️. I stayed there for about 3 hours, missed practice but I'd do anything to make sure my bestie was okay. I hate seeing her sad cause she barely even get sad. I called my moms and let her know wassup and she said i was good and we continued talking until a doctor asked me who I was here for and I told her and she told me the family had already left. I thanked her and headed to chick fil a, bogangles and mc donalds and sonic ofc to get all of her favorite things. I knew whatever happened was bad cause Nai don't ever hit nobody or get in nobody face. She was always in her own lane.
I pulled up to her house and the house was dim. everything was dark and lonely. I seen Nai's room had her led lights on so idk she was there. I knocked on the door and her mom came to the door and she looked like she was crying. Mascara everywhere and she mustve been crying hard cause she buy the expensive shit and it usually don't fade. She pulled me into a hug and then pointed me to where Naieighs room was. I knocked and no answer. I knocked again n twisted the knob.

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