✨Chapter 3✨ (un edited)

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Sincere POV

Nai cried in my arms all night. She didn't wanna eat or nuna dat. She felt bad about me waisting my money on food she wasn't gonna eat so she made me take it to them homeless. She cared so much about everything , but yet so independent. I took it to the homeless and they was so happy. They smashed. I couldn't wait till I told Nai hopefully that's gon cheer her up.

When I pulled up a car was missing so it was prolly Nyquez or Nigel that left. But when I walked in her room she was gone. I asked her mama and she told me she was coming right back so I waited in her room for about ah hr then texted her iPad n she ain't text back so then I got worried and looked in three places before my dumbass looked at her location she was always sharing with me🤦🏾‍♂️.
I pulled up to da house me and my mama talked then I went to take a shower and went to go get Nai. She was cuddled with kay. I took a picture and my mama told me to send it to her but I'll do it later. I put her in the bed, climbed in and held her.
Thursday April
Naieighs POV

I woke up hungry and lucky for me mama jada done cooked. I love her cooking. I went downstairs still looking a wreck and kay asked me what's wrong and her mama popped her. "It's fine, she didn't know" I told her. She just smiled "you hungry?" I went over and sat down looked at the plate and bit a piece of the bacon but soon felt the need to throw up so I pushed the plate away and just sat there. I could feel Sin staring a hole in my face. He came and sat down next to me. "When the last time you ate?" Yesterday. I lied. "When?" At lunch. I lied again. "Capp cause yhu was to pissed" I just looked down. "Yhu gotta eat something Naieigh". He pulled the plate back to me. "I tried"I told him. "Yeah I seen, but you gotta try, eat some more". I rolled my eyes and pushed it back and told everybody I'll see them later. I went to get my stuff and went to my car and sin was there. He handed me a twenty. "Get yhu some food you kno yhu gon eat okay". I just shook my head cause I know just can't bring myself to eat.

I forced myself to. I went to the Chinese restaurant the one daddy used to take us to. I got the same order I always get and went to the car and drove home. I sat my food down on my dresser went to go wash my hands and opened the styrofoam box. I took a bite and immediately cried. It reminded me of him and happy times. I kept eating then I went to sleep. I finally ate. When I woke up I went downstairs and mama and the twins was talking and stopped when I sat on the couch. Everybody looked at me. "Nai your cousins are coming tonight and they'll be here till the funeral" okay I said. When's the funeral? "Sunday" my mama had told me. "Oh" I replied looking out the window. "You mad?, cause if you want me to I could send your cousins and aunt to a hotel for the weekend" ma suggested. "Nah ma it's coo frfr". I really didn't care ,I originally was gonna go to sins house anyways.

We all just sat there talking tryna lighten the mood but we knew nothing was ever gonna be the same. I felt like they were hiding something but I didn't care anymore. I went upstairs and took a long shower usually my mama would yell at me for running up the water bill but she wasn't in the mood. Her husband had just died. I wouldn't have neither.

Sincere POV

I talked with ma and she told me the funeral was gonna be Sunday. That's crazy cause Gino just died yesterday. Not surprised though. Black people take no time into burying people. I know Nai going through it, her whole family actually so ima go check on them but not right now I know people need their space. I'll go talk to them tomorrow.
•Later on that day. Still Sin POV

I didn't go to school today but right now im on the way to training. I do football and basketball. But first I gotta do something.
•15 mins later
~ "you breezy"
~ "ight that's $30"
~ "for that little bit?"
~"this that good good either yes or no"
breezy handed sin the $30 and they both departed
I got in the car otw training
•after training
I went home and took a shower. Training was something slight, it wasnt all bad. I cooked for ma and kay then painted kay toes. We took showers and then went to sleep.

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