🌸 chapter 38🌸 part 1

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"Ray. Come on. We got a huge day today" "it's 8:36" "yep. A lot to do in a little bit of time". We started showers then went over to ma house.

"Hey mama. Hey Chris" "hey gyal. Y'all ready to get this day ona roll?" "Yes ma'am" "y'all ate?" "No. Nova dem bringing the food" "what she bringing?" "Waffle house" "ion want no Waffle House early in the morning" "me neither. My baby does though".

"Nai go get the door" "kay".
"Hey nova. Hey Meech. Khi". I greeted them then took my food, sat down and ate.

"Nova it's yo turn" "fo what. I'm still eating" "Ight cause I'm still eating too. Put ma or Ray in the chair" "okay. Go open the door fo my mama dem Nai" "why you can't do it. I'm eating too". Nova looked at me weird and I got up and opened the door.

A few moments later
"Nai I'm finna go somewhere ima be back" "whatchu gotta do so early this morning?" "Something" " if you going to go be with that white bitch just say that" "whatchu so worried for anyways?" "Bye Malachi" "come wit me den" "Nah. I got stuff to do" "exactly so why you worried bout what I'm finna do". I rolled my eyes "you hear yo bitch ass daddy again huh?" I said rubbing my stomach, walking into my room with a attitude. "Don't be tellin my son ima bitch" "why is you following me" "why is you acting like this on our big day?" "Our?" Khi shook his head. "Bye Khi". Khi got up and did something meanwhile I went in the bathroom and threw up. "You straight?" "I'm straight. He not" "wasswrong" "he so picky. Just like yo ass" "he ain't want that food?" "No. Now since he can't make up his mind I'm gon be hungry all day" "dang. Here". He dropped my slides in front of me and grabbed my stuff. "Where we going?" "With that white bitch right?" I threw my slide at him and rinsed my mouth. "Here for real naieigh". I sat down put my slides on and we walked toward the door. "Where y'all going Nai?" "Up the street" "how far is up the street cause you next. Plus tee on her way" "gimme 30 mins". Ma shooed is out the house and we drove to Walmart for fruit then sonic for ice and back home.
"Come on Nai it's yo turn" "put everybody else in the chair. Ima go last. I'm sleepy" "quit being picky and come on" "Khi gon pay her more if she can come back later". Khi looked at me and then just shrugged. "Tell her go take a 30 min break" I said going up the stairs. I know ma was getting tired of me but she knows what it's like being pregnant so she left me alone. I went upstairs and climbed in my bed.

10 mins later
"Why you volunteer me to pay. I thought you ain't fwm" "I don't and 2 it's your fault I'm in this predicament anyways" "you like it though" "I do". We sat there in silence before he started talking.
"You know ian never forgot about you when we broke up. I thought about you everyday" ".. das a nice thought but I jus want to go to sleep" "you can't sleep unless its some sort of sound and something holding down the side of the bed" "so if you know that why I'm not sleep yet". Khi turned into the tv and laid down with Naieigh.

5 mins later she turned around and laid on his chest

"Nai it's yo turn" "damn everybody done. She back?" "Yeah. You slept good?" "Ona da best naps I dun had since I got pregnant" "it must be me" "gotta be. It would be nice if you stick wit us after today" "stop playing wimme. I told you I'm here to stay" "and I'm getting in the shower" "you gotta stop being so-" "so what?" "I gotta find the word". I stood there and waited on him to find his word. "Beautiful". "Shut up khi" I said blushing and went to get in the shower.

"Nai" "huh" "lookat this" "what am I looking at?" "This". He pointed to Ravens face. "You look so pretty" "go" he sent raven out. "Why you make her leave" "cause she got make up on and you thinking it's coo and shit" "it is. Let that girl live her life" "bye bruh" "don't start" "but you been starting all morning" "okay. I don't care. Huh". I turned my back toward Khi and he fixed my shirt at the back.

"Last person" "yep". I sat down and got my makeup done while.

"Khii" "he in the basement with the twins" "tell him I said come here".
"Huh?" "Can you go get me a milkshake" "it's too early fo that" "mchtt. Ight bye" "Ima be back". He kissed my forehead then left out the house.

1 hr later
Knock knock. "Come in. What took you so long?". Khi turned to she could see his hair cut. "Oh. A haircut. Where my stuff?" He gave her the milkshake. "Yo ice in the freezer" "thank you. Thank you. What time the baby shower start?" "2. What time is it now?" "1:16" "bet I got time for a nap" "not really. Ma said we needa start getting y'all dressed" "mchtt. Man I'm sleepy" I said sniffling about to cry. "I know you not about to cry" "I can't handle it" "chill. Yo makeup gon come off" he said wiping my tears. "Ian never had a big baby before" "you calling me a crybaby?" "Noo. Chill. Stop crying" "if I'm aggravating just say dat" I said getting angry. "You not". He wiped my tears and picked me up and took me where ma, Chris, nova, Meechie and nova parents were at.

"What's wrong with her?" "Her emotions" "da both of them dawg" Meechie said dapping up Khi.
He put me down and sat down and I sat on his lap.

10 mins later
"MEETING. EVERYBODY IN THE LIVING ROOM" "ma. You do not have to yell" "how else they gon hear me?". Everybody piled into the living room and Ma started talking. "If you are getting ready here. You need to do so now. It's a lot of people here meaning a lot of people that need help with shit so ask the person sitting next to you. The limo will be here in about 30 mins so be ready. Questions". Nobody raised there hands so she passed the floor over to Ms. Tisha and Nova and Meechie parents. They ain't really say nothing. Then the floor was passed to us and nova dem and we ain't have nothing to say so everybody set off to get dressed.

Me, ma, Meechie, ms tisha and Raven went into Mas room and nova and her peeps went into the guess room. Everybody else found either the bathroom or a room.

"Huh Nai. You get dressed first" "can i get dressed last?" "No". She handed me the bag with the dress in it. I took the dress out the back and laid it on the bed. He handed me the bra and I took off my shirt letting my titties free. "You coulda warned me" "fo why. It ain't like you ain't seen em before". I grabbed the dress and Ma helped me put it on. When adjusted perfectly how I like it I went in the mirror and took pictures. Nova came in, in her dress and we took more pictures.

Everybody was dressed and it was now time for the dress reveals to the boys. Nova went out first then I did. I could tell Khi wanted to do more than kiss my forehead but once again. He brought that opon himself.
"Let's take some pictures and the limo is 3 mins out. Hustle, hustle everybody". The photographer took hella pictures and the editor recorded us and yeah.


(not everybody was there. Only parents and immediate family)

We flooded out the house and everybody started pulling off.


Verse of the day

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Jesus Christ, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

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