✨Chapter 6✨ (also un edited)

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*About 2 months later*
May 18th
Naieigh pov

Today was the twins big day. Well second. I was up early this morning tryna help my jhits get ready. They got they haircuts two days before today, and yesterday me and ma forced them to go get mani-pedis. They acted like they was gonna die. All they was getting was them shaped up.

We went to grab something to eat and then we chilled until it was 5:45 ish. The twins took showers and put on their suits. Nyquez went with black and gold. Nigel went with black and rose gold. They took hella pictures. They cars was nice asf. We got in the cars and followed them to Nigels date house. Nigel and Nyquez dates were Nigels gf and her cousin. I went up and hugged Janel. Then her and ma started taking more pictures. Then they eventually drove off and went out to eat then carried on with the rest of the night.

Me and ma headed to get food then back home. I ate and caught up with the rest of my school work. I ended up going back to school and only three of my schools revoked my scholarships, but I had another 7 I could choose from. Mr. Scouten ended up being fired for calling me a bitch and all that other stuff. And at school nobody ever dared to try me. I honestly don't know why but it is what it is. Sincere been secretive lately but it don't got nothing to do wimme so I'm coo. Mama still out here raising us like daddy still here. That's that black woman independency in her cause if I lost my husband I could never.

Thursday June 3rd

I almost cried looking at the twins in their gowns walking across the stage. In fact I did. I was proud of them. So freaking proud.

"We out this bitch" Nigel yelled as we walked out the bogangles coliseum. "Boy stfu, don't forget I'm still in dis bitch". They laughed. "Y'all leave my baby alone" mama told them but they was still laughing and laughing. "Ight y'all go enjoy y'all time and y'all still under my roof so curfew at 1:30  y'all got that" ma said. "Yeah atleast it ain't 12" Nigel said back "yhu want me to make it 12?" Ma asked. They both shook they heads. "Ight love y'all jhits stay safe and don't do nothing bad" I told them. "Yeah ight yhu my jhit and luh yall too." Nigel said "luh y'all now get on". We hugged them and went back home and  I knocked out😴.

Year or so later
May 18th
Prom day
Naieigh pov

We went to get our nails did, me ma and sin got what the twins got on their prom day but except me and Ma got acrylics too. Sin got his haircut last night and I got my hair done yesterday so we were now officially done. Except I had to go find a necklace I had my eyes on. So after we left there I drove to the mall, ma went home and so did Sin. I looked for the necklace in 3 different stores actually I lied I found it in the second store I went to but I wanted to go in another store.

About a hour and a half hrs later I got home and took a quick 4-5 hr nap. I got up and got ready for my make up artist Mia and she did her thing. I ate a small snack, touched up my hair and make sure everything I needed for the night was present. Ma and Jada (Sins mama) helped me get into my dress. I took selfies in the mirror and jazzy and yanni came over in their dresses in tux's and we took more mirror pics.

We all walked down the stairs one by one with our family cheering us on at the bottom. It first went Jazzy then Jazzy's date then Yanni then Yanni's date the Sincere then me. We took pictures then drove off to eat then go enjoy our nights.

Graduation day

I walked across the stage and I was proud of myself and I knew daddy was too. Afterwards me and sin and yanni and jazzy went to dinner then went back home.

this short too. Ik

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