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"this is mad, who'd want to be taught by me. i'm a nutter, remember?"

"to be fair, nearly all the hufflepuffs i talked to said they were interested, except zacharias, who's telling others the idea is mental, the lousy sod," lily said, laughing with ron.

"look on the bright side, you can't be any worse than old toad face," ron said, earning a hit in the arm by lily.

"thanks ron," said harry, sarcastically.

"i'm here for you, mate," he joked back.

"who's supposed to be meeting us then?"

"just some people," lily and hermione said, before laughing a bit after looking at each other.

the four made it to hogs head and opened the door.


"thought it would be safer somewhere off the beaten track."

< >

soon enough, everyone who had been told arrived, mostly hufflepuff and gryffindors with a couple of ravenclaws.

to lily's surpirse, zacharias showed up.

lily and ron sat a bit more to the side, while harry and hermione sat in the middle.

hermione suddenly stood up, and started to talk. "um.. hi. so, you all know why we're here. we need a teacher. a proper teacher. one who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts."

"why?" zacharias asked.

"why? because you-know-who's back, you tosspot," ron spat, earning a casual fist bump from lily.

"so he says," zacharias wasn't going to give up so easily.

"so dumbledore says."

"so dumbledore says because he says. point is, where's the proof?"

michael corner spoke up as well, "if potter could tell us more about how diggory got killed-"

"no way, you freak!" lily yelled.

"i'm not gonna talk about cedric, so, if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now. come on, hermione, let's go."

"wait- harry!" lily called, standing.


"is it true?" spoke out luna. "you can produce a patronus charm?"

"yes," answered hermione, "i've seen it."

"blimey harry. i didn't know you could do that," piped in dean thomas.

"a-a-and he killed a basilisk with the sword in dumbledores office."

"it's true. third year he fought about 100 dementors at once," ron bragged, earning a pinch from lily, insisting that he speak humbly.

"and he fought you-know-who," hermione said, but harry stopped her.

"look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is, most of that was just luck. i didn't know what i was doing half of the time. i nearly always had help." lily smiled at his humbleness.

"he's just being modest," said hermione.

"no, hermione i'm not. facing this stuff in real life is not like school. in school, if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. but out there... when you're a second away from being murdered... or watching a friend die right before your eyes..." lily dropped her head. "you don't know what that's like."

"you're right. we don't but that's why you should help and teach us," lily said honestly.

"because if theres any chance of us beating... voldemort..."

"he's really back?" asked a young boy.

harry and lily nodded.

with that, the group of people started joining by writing their name on a parchment paper, most of lily's hufflepuff friends ready to join in an instant.

"hey, diggory, if i join, let me buy you a butterbeer," smirked ernie.

"you should join regardless if you know whats good for you," she crossed her arms.

"oh boy, do i," he said before writing his name down. "so?"

"fine," she huffed and grabbed her second coat, following ernie.

ron grimaced in disgust. "what the bloody hell was that?" he asked hermione.

"what? did you think you were the only one who fancies lily diggory?" hermione scoffed.

ron furrowed his eyebrows as he saw a girl look at the table and ask, "did lily leave already?"

"she did..." ron answered cautiously.

"damn it, she left," she announced to some more in the line, earning groans and even some leaving the line.

"bloody hell," ron repeated.

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